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RE: Random Ramblings from a Steemit Newbie

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Most important thing to remember:
Just let the rewards thing go, and stop worry about how much you earn using this platform.
Ironically, is the best way to be successful here.


thanks for the tips. i left you an upvote and follow :)

If we are to believe that letting go of finance-strategies is the way forward, then you, taxkellerman, will have to "up your game"(chuckle), and concentrate on your content. This would be rare among crypto-buffs. Which brings me to the next thing I'll be looking into, which gamers (or who in general) come to dTube as opposed to staying on YouTube? I've heard it said the switch is made by those who are looking for serious rapport instead of casual likes and dislikes. That may entail a lot of hard work....
I think fechaugger might be wise to caution that it's not so easy to narrow the divide and pretend to be interested in content making and above all partaking of it (the truly interactive part) in the long run. But then community building gets tricky - and then the profit making off the established communities will become more interesting to the likes of you. To an extent, I am okay with that, since there should, also here, be room for different strokes for different folks. So I will be curious to see what you develop into.
Since, thanks to you, I discovered I didn't know 5 out of the 6 currencies you mentioned, you get my vote for being a useful educator. Sorry it doesn't come with any cash/steem value! It's the thought that counts....? maybe...

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