Bitcoin TA - summary of analysts - 30. Jan 18

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Regular daily update on BTC ta analysts opinions.

Bildschirmfoto 2018-01-26 um 15.07.59.png

  • I added some charts from Tone as he seems to be not here on steemit to make the information more accessible to you guys.
  • Timing wise - I try to post the summary every day between noon and 4 p.m. UTC: +01 dependent on when the analysts post their updates. If find this is a good timing spot as it is morning in the US, Lunch Time in Europe and Evening in Asia. Usually @lordoftruth (update usually early morning) and @ew-and-patterns (usually also morning) have posted their views. Tone is posting to different times as he is traveling a lot - so synching with him won't be possible. @haejin based in US usually has an update before 4 p.m. UTC+01.
    Waiting for an analyst I will make dependent on market situation - is something significantly change to his last update and does it bring a lot of value compared to the opinions of the other analysts?
    It is always a question of finding the balance between delivering information as fast as possible to you and maximum quality and completeness of the information. A judgement call I have to make.

Analysts key statements:

  • Tone: Weekly chart stays bearish, daily is looking for another bounce of the 10'000 to confirm the triangle which is more likely to be broken to the downside which he is expecting after one more bounce around the 8th-10th of Feb.
    Bildschirmfoto 2018-01-30 um 11.30.55.png
    chart from Tone Vays from his video - see link below
    On the 4hourly he sees a short term recovery to 11'400 before going down to the 10'000ish support.
    Bildschirmfoto 2018-01-30 um 11.30.22.png
    chart from Tone Vays from his video - see link below

  • @haejin: no new update today
    Sees three scenarios - sideways triangle with next target 10'890 apex around Feb 1st, 2nd bullish wedging up to 14'500 or third is a bearish wick target 8'000-7'600 apex around the 12th of Feb.

  • @ew-and-patterns: Two alternate scenarios emerge. Bearflag which would suggest that bitcoin comes up to 12'300ish and than breaks down to a lower low (7'000er range). Bullish triangle wich suggests a move up to 11'800, coming down back to 11'000 before finally breaking upwards. Weak upside momentum indication looks for another leg down though.

  • @lordoftruth: Bullish for today. He is looking for a move towards 12'400. Than it depends if we break through 12'900 or go back down to support level 10'200-10'700.

Overall sentiment: bearish
(last: bearish)

Bildschirmfoto 2018-01-30 um 11.46.42.png

Bildschirmfoto 2018-01-26 um 09.19.27.png

Reference table

analystlastest content datelink to content for details
Tone Vays30. Janhere
@haejin29. Janhere
@ew-and-patterns30. Janhere
@lordoftruth30. Janhere


  • light blue highlighted = all content that changed since last update.
  • sentiment = how in general the analysts see the current situation (bearish = lower prices more likely / bearish = higher prices more likely)
  • target 1 = the next price target an analysts mentions
  • bottom = price target analyst mentions as bottom
    Both target are probably short term (so next few days/weeks)
  • lower/upper barrier = Most significant barriers mentioned by the analysts. If those are breached a significant move to the upside or downside is expected. It does not mean necessary that the sentiment will change due to that (e.g. if upper resistance is breached it does not mean that we automatically turn bullish).

If you like me to add other analysts or add information please let me know in the comments.


I am more in favour of @lordoftruth opinion about bitcoin. Currently the volume has drained out both from bitcoin and altcoin so we are not going to have a big move. Let's see in 1st week of February to get some fresh volume and some movements.

Thanks for sharing your opinion. Yea I am also looking forward to February!

Hey @famunger,

@solenn lead me to your blog.
Seems like you are making very interesting analyzes about cryptocurrencies,
respectively analyzes of analyzes like in this post.

I will follow your blog and I'm looking forward to read your stuff. :)

Great - glad you like it. I hope it brings value to you.!!! it's really nice's really important us..... thnaks for the Bitcoin TA - summary of analysts - 30. Jan 18 post...i like your post

thanks dear appriciate your work !
I completely had no clue about bitcoin introduces January of 2017 through a whatsapp group talking about bitcoin donations...! It involved investing money and I didn't fully understand it..! So I missed then in June I stumbled on Steemit on Facebook through @grantcardone and the whole bitcoin world opened up to me....and I have never looked back.This incident made me very afraid of anything remotely close to the words, ‘digital currency’ and holding money on the Internet
That feeling above is what most guys here in Uganda have when I tell them about Steemit.
keep aware us !
thanks famunger!

Interesting story - all the best for you entering the rabbit hole.

I feel like there are many investors sitting in the sidelines doe now.

They are waiting to look for a Bull Momentum which they could catch up to 20k USD.

I am almost 70% sure that if there is a small Bull Run say about 3000 USD the Price of BTC might go Bullish again.

That is absolutely also what I hear and think. We will see another run soon.

It would be like Dejavu.

After the Bull Run of BTC which took it over 20K, ​we all knew that a Correction was Overdue.

The tables are turned right now.

We have been bearish for about a Month and a Bull run is kinda Due.

My thoughts..


Thanks again mate for good work..

Thanks for the daily summary. It is very infomative. You could also think about adding @cryptopassion to your overview. He also provides some decent analyses.

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