Warning! Fake AdShares ICO Page Trying to steal your money!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


Warning to all of my followers and any other crypto investors out there. Please feel free share think link, resteem or let people know. While I was looking for new ICO’s (initial coin offerings) to invest in I came across AdShares. If you haven’t heard from them and like to invest in cryptos I suggest to check it out.

As someone who ran a blog, I love the idea of an ad network which does not have the insane fees of Google. As per the usual, some loser is trying to take advantage of people. Someone is trying to profit at others people’s expense. Be warned, and see below.

While surfing various sites for opinions on Adshares I came across this on Reddit.

AdShares 1.PNG

This link went to this page: https://ico-adshares.net/

Screenshot below.

AdShares 2.PNG

My first thought is, “That’s strange, I thought the ICO I read said it was an Etheruem only sale.” Searching around more I start at their official page: https://adshares.net/

More and more this is looking suspicious to me. I can’t find any mention of this page on their home page. In fact, their ICO page and Facebook says they take Etheruem only not even Bitcoin. Finally, I just message them directly on FB. They confirm that this is indeed a scam page. If you send any money to this addresses you can count on never seeing it again!

AdShares 3.PNG

Having been scammed out of $50 myself before when I was trying to buy IOTA pre-market release. I can personally say how bad it sucks. Nothing is worse than losing your hard earned money to some scammer. Trying to profit off of the hard work of other people.

I think this is one of the worst things in the crypto world. Maybe even worse than a pump and dump fake coin. To falsely give people hope they are getting in early on a promising coin only to steal their money. I think Adshares looks awesome. I put a little into it and if you invest in Cryptos I highly recommend looking at it.

But please avoid this page at all costs: https://ico-adshares.net/

If interested in buying or finding out about it use the official site: https://adshares.net/

Remember the crypto market is new and scammers are everywhere. Use your head, be careful and watch out. Any questions, feel free to ask and happy crypto hunting.


Thanks for the heads up. You may have saved a few people from getting burned ! Up-voted and Re-steemed.

Thank you I appreciate that. And I hope so. I find behavior like this to be the worst.

Nice content!

My pleasure. Just didn't want anyone to fall for it.

thanks for letting the steemit community know, i hate scams that claim to be cryptocurrencies, gives crypto a bad name!

Yes I totally agree. I really hate that people do stuff like this. It does give cryptos a bad name and scares away new people. The fact that people do this is so terrible.

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