Evolved08gsr's Crypto Overview September 28, 2017 (9:35 AM EST) - BTC at $4200 - ETH over $302 - LTC over $55steemCreated with Sketch.


Good Morning, fellow Crypto Enthusiasts!

I'm keeping an eye on the short term prices for a potential dip. The closing of the Chinese BTCC exchange may have already been "priced-in" to the current BTC prices (and other currencies for that matter), but I'm not 100% convinced. Keep an eye out over the next two days to determine if you want to sell off any positions, or buy-in during any potential drops.

I'm considering a sale above $4k and buying back in later.. but I haven't decided yet!

September 28, 2017, Around 9:35 AM EST

  • Bitcoin (BTC) is at $4,200.00, $120.28 Higher than at the same time yesterday, or Up 2.95%
  • Ethereum (ETH) is at $302.85, $6.70 Higher than at the same time yesterday, or Up 2.26%
  • Litecoin (LTC) is at $55.84, $1.41 Higher than at the same time yesterday, or Up 2.59%

September 27, 2017, Around 2:50 PM EST

  • Bitcoin (BTC) is at $4,173.99, $259.76 Higher than at the same time yesterday, or Up 6.64%
  • Ethereum (ETH) is at $303.83, $13.83 Higher than at the same time yesterday, or Up 4.77%
  • Litecoin (LTC) is at $55.65, $2.61 Higher than at the same time yesterday, or Up 4.92%

September 26, 2017, Around 8:45 AM EST

  • Bitcoin (BTC) is at $3,958.68, $192.52 Higher than at the same time yesterday, or Up 5.11%
  • Ethereum (ETH) is at $293.36, $4.74 Higher than at the same time yesterday, or Up 1.64%
  • Litecoin (LTC) is at $53.73, $4.78 Higher than at the same time yesterday, or Up 9.77%

Evolved08gsr's Analysis

Let's review each coin's performance since ~2:50 PM EST yesterday:

  • Bitcoin (BTC): Starting at $4,173.99 and currently sitting at $4,200.00, there has been a Net Increase in Value of $26.01, or 0.62% since yesterday.
  • Ethereum (ETH): Starting at $303.83 and currently sitting at $302.85, there has been a Net Decrease in Value of $0.98, or 0.32% since yesterday.
  • Litecoin (LTC): Starting at $55.65 and currently sitting at $55.84, there has been a Net Increase in Value of $0.19, or 0.34% since yesterday.

Evolved08gsr's Trends

More Graphs!

IMPORTANT NOTE: My charts don't contain the highest highs or lowest lows of each of these coins, nor are the frequency of the data points consistent, so please take the trendlines with a grain of salt. These charts are for informational purposes only, they are not meant to provide investment advice.




All of the trendlines are looking down. You can see this in two ways:

  1. ZOMG, THE WORLD IS ENDING ... or ...
  2. Look at how the trend is turning around. Things were looking negative for a while, but they seem to be coming back to a positive trend!

I'm leaning towards #2. I think prices are going to continue to rise for a while (although I'm hesitant about the next couple of days with the closing down of BTCC).

Bitcoin (Last 24 hours):


Ethereum (Last 24 hours):


Litecoin (Last 24 hours):


Chart Source: Coinbase
All Times Eastern (EST)
All Prices are in US Dollars ($)

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62763.51
ETH 2579.20
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.72