Jack Ma The famous technology boss is not interested in digital currency.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago


It's no secret that Jack Ma is one of the technology bosses who claim to be uninterested in Bitcoin's digital currency (cryptocurrency).

Yes, former founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group is claimed not interested at all to study this digital currency.

Jack Ma's confession was even reinforced by his recent statement. He reveals himself in a camp that is not at all interested in using Bitcoin.

Reported by South China Morning Post, Tuesday (22/05/2018), Jack Ma uncovered the realm of digital currency as a 'bubble'. But this bubble does not apply at all in the realm of blockchain technology.

"There is no bubble on the blockchain, but for Bitcoin there are bubbles," said Jack Ma at the World Intelligence Congress held in Tianjin, China, recently.

The bubble in question is the condition of the economic cycle of trading activity to an asset with a large volume, so the price range is very far beyond intrinsic value. Bitcoin, in this case, is experiencing the phenomenon.

Despite the bitcoin's cynical look, Jack Ma still remains optimistic about the technology behind digital currency transactions, the blockchain. Personally, Jack Ma claimed to be interested in blockchain.

Jack Ma also said that blockchain is the best security and privacy solution for internet-based financial activities.


But again, it does not agree that the technology is implemented to run digital currency transactions such as bitcoins and can make money.

"Blockchain may not be needed social media, but inevitably we have to keep moving there or it could be fatal," concludes the man with Ma Yun's real name.

"If it works, the international rules of trade and finance will change completely and we are working on developing blockchain technology," he said.

However, Alibaba's efforts in developing blockchain technology are now limited to applications that operate in economic orders in China for now.


Blockchain technology itself has been created Alibaba as an initiative to improve health and combat the sale of counterfeit food.

Then, when Jack Ma asked if Alibaba was preparing to 'jump' in the realm of digital currency, he revealed it was not ready yet.

"We will focus on AliPay and other technologies such as development or RMB, USD, EUR and other countries currencies, so again, bitcoin is not for me," he concluded.


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