Energi Mining Update: Nvidia

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Note: All miners will need to download the newest miner (Energiminer v2.0.0) right away in order to mine past block 216,000.

The Energi team has been working diligently on an update to its energi miner. Miners of Energi (NRG) have been looking for Nvidia GPU mining support and that is now available in Energiminer v2.0.0. The latest update will address the following:

  • Support for mining using Nvidia GPU Miner Software CUDAminer. CUDA options can be accessed by using the —U parameter ( the —G parameter will need to be used to access OpenCL). To download the latest version of the Energi Miner, visit the Energi Downloads page:

Downloads - Energi

  • Newly added CUDA commands and explanations of each command are listed below:
—cuda-grid-size INT in [1–999999999]=8192 (set the grid size)
—cuda-block-size INT in [1–999999999]=128 (set the block size)
—cuda-devices UINT … Select list of devices to mine on (default: use all available)
—cuda-parallel-hash UINT in {1,2,4,8}=4 (set the number of hashes per kernel)
—cuda-schedule EXT in {auto,spin,sync,yield}=sync (Set the scheduler mode. auto — Uses a heuristic based on the number of active CUDA contexts in the process C and the number of logical processors in the system P. If C > P then yield else spin)
spin Instruct CUDA to actively spin when waiting for results from the device
yield Instruct CUDA to yield its thread when waiting for results from the device
sync Instruct CUDA to block the CPU thread on a synchronization primitive when waiting for the results from the device
—cuda-streams INT in [1–99]=2 (Set the number of streams)

To start mining Energi (NRG), visit the Energi Mining Setup Guide down below:

Mining — Energi

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