Learn the language around digital currency

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Learn the language around digital currency
Knowing this languages will help in a long way in the world of exchanges of digital currency.

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A digital currency that isn't Bitcoin. There are thousands of altcoins with various values and use cases.

The simultaneous buying and selling of securities, forex, or commodities in distinctive market regions to take advantage of differing prices for the same asset.

A sell order


A buy order

The first digital currency built on a blockchain and capped at 21 million gadgets. Created with the aid of Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009, Bitcoin is the unique cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin Cash
A digital forex, which hard-forked from Bitcoin on 1 August 2017, with larger block length, meant to allow miners system more transactions per block.

A decentralised network that statistics transactions, similar to a conventional ledger. These transactions can be any motion of currency, goods or secure data.

Comprise transactional facts. Blocks can be idea of as the pages of a ledger.

Block reward
The new coins issued to miners when they have successfully mined a block of transactions on the Bitcoin (or any other digital currency) network.

Whilst the charge of an asset will become inflated and exceeds the authentic cost of that asset. Whilst a bubble “pops" prices fall extensively.


Cold Storage
A wallet this is stored offline. This is a protection degree to prevent unauthorised get admission to.

Any digital currency that uses cryptography to validate and secure transactions.

The practice and have a look at of techniques for at ease communication inside the presence of third parties referred to as adversaries. In the context of digital currency, cryptography validates and secures transaction facts.


A governance protocol, characterised by distributing manage and authority among all participants. Bitcoin is decentralised because many extraordinary miners secure the community. In place of a centralised network, like banking, wherein one authority such as the critical financial institution makes selections.

The amount of effort needed to mine blocks. Different digital currencies implement different methods of adjusting the difficulty. In Bitcoin, the mining difficulty adjusts approximately every two weeks to ensure that changes in the number of miners processing transactions don’t drastically increase the rate new Bitcoin is issued into circulation.

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Created by Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum is a allotted computing platform, a blockchain built to system transactions and other information, consisting of smart contracts.

A place where buyers and sellers meet to buy and sell an asset, like Bitcoin, shares or derivatives.


Conventional or government-issued money (your local currency).

A fork occurs when a group of participants (miners) run a different version of the software (protocol). If the new version is backwards compatible (if it can successfully use data from earlier versions of the blockchain) then it’s a soft fork, and all participants will remain on the same blockchain. If the new version does not work with the existing blockchain then it’s a hard fork and the blockchain will split into two separate chains.


Hardware Wallet
An alternative to your normal digital currency wallet, this is a dedicated physical device in which private keys are stored (usually offline for extra security).

Hash rate
The hash rate measures how powerful a (Bitcoin) miner's machine is. Specifically, it measures the number of times a hash function can be computed per second. A miner's expected profit is directly proportional to the hash rate. Hash rate is also used to measure how much computer power is securing a specific blockchain.

This means to hold (i.e. not sell) your Bitcoin. The term became popular in 2010 when a typo in a Bitcoin forum went viral. The typo was retrofitted as an acronym for “Hold on for dear life".


ICO/Token Sale
Initial coin offering (or ICO) is the sale of tokens on a blockchain before they are issued. The public can pay for these tokens in an ICO and they are issued to participants later.


A record of transactions.

Limit order
An order positioned by use of specifying each the amount and rate at which you want to exchange. Depending on the price specified, the limit order might trade immediately against existing orders in the order book (in that case it is a taker order), or it might itself be inserted into the orderbook waiting for other orders to trade against it (in that case it is a maker order).


Maker Order
This is either a limit buy order below the market price or a limit sell order above the market price. The order waits in the order book and is therefore said to ‘make’ the market.

Market order
An order placed by only specifying the amount you wish to trade. The order executes immediately at the best available rate in the market. In other words, the market order matches with existing orders waiting in the orderbook. A market order is always a taker order.

The committing of computer hardware to process transactions on a blockchain (Bitcoin or otherwise). Miners do this to receive mining rewards and profit.


A device with a copy of the blockchain on it that shares information with other nodes across the network. The node does not necessarily mine digital currency but it does contribute to decentralization and therefore security of the blockchain. All miners are nodes but not all nodes are miners.


Private Keys
A non-public secret's a virtual code, like a password, that is used to authorise digital forex transactions on a blockchain. This code, which should be saved secret, authorises the proprietor to send coins from a particular wallet.

Public Keys
A public secret is a virtual code that uniquely identifies a wallet on a blockchain; ie. the wallet address. This is the address you give to somebody who wants to send you digital currency.

ie. the wallet address. This is the address you give to somebody who wants to send you digital currency.

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 66521.28
ETH 3454.20
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67