The Truth About Silk Road, Ross ulbricht and Dread Pirate Roberts

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

What happened to Silk Road?
How did Ross Ulbricht get caught?
Was Ross Ulbricht really Dread Pirate Roberts?
How much money did Silk Road make?
How much money did Ross Ulbricht make?

All these questions answered and more in todays video:


The government was just afraid of Ross and wanted to make him an example to bring distrust to cryptos... what the gov didn't expect is for so many people to keep buying and selling cryptos, by the time they got to silk road it was already to late to spread rumours and bring down cryptos... now in 2018 it's even later!

A man is sentenced to spend his whole life in jail, but he never killed anyone, never sold drugs, he was just the owner of a store!

I'll never understand people going to jail from selling drugs... it's not like they are the ones using them! Instead of arresting people selling drugs, the government should spend a lot more money on trying to understand the reason those people use those drugs!

I've seen and have friends that use all kinds of drugs on their own time, when they step out of the house they are upstanding citizens of society!! Some are students, some are doctors, some are actors! Etc...

Totally agree with the hitman part... ross would hire one with no reputation? that is a dumb move from a smart man, which is why i don't believe in it!

Making drugs illegal and sending people away for victimless crimes is all part of maintaining the police state.

  • When you make a drug illegal you create a black market for it and raise the value of that asset by 10 fold.

  • All the big drug dealers have to launder that money and pay huge taxes on them.

  • Everyone that gets thrown in prison is then used for slave labor and funneling taxes away from the people and into for-profit prisons.

  • Law enforcement and other people that find themselves above the law can make deals with the "criminals" and make a huge profit.

So many wins for so many douchebags.

Everyone that gets thrown in prison is then used for slave labor and funneling taxes away from the people and into for-profit prisons.

Well, are they really used for slave labor? because in my country they get a all paid vacations in a 5 star jail where everything is provided to them... i once even saw a prison with a private beach! The guy that stopped me from reaching the beach was a prisoner, no teeth nothing... asked me for a "secret code" that only the jail workers and the prisoner knew!

Very intressting!

I read the book American Kingpin. Incredible story. Page turner. I'm sure Hollywood is on it.

How do you think @elpompador what will happen next?

Vincent! Nice to see you posting on the blockchain again :)

pro-tip: If you upload your videos to DTube or DLive my bots will give you more love ...

Almost thought you fell off the map seen your youtube stuff and no post but here you are!

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