Make students rich and save teachers from robots with video game.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Finally the middle-class parents will accept that no matter their children are honors students or not
both private sector and the public sector will not be able to hire all their children.
In other words, education cannot give their children privileges anymore and there will be just a few salarymen or skilled workers that can take out a mortgage.


When children can learn from a smart phone, Virtual Reality glasses or Augmented Reality glasses
and when even toddlers can learn from robots that can use Artificial Intelligence to analyze and evaluate which part of the lesson that the toddlers do not understand
,the disillusioned middle-class parents will wonder why their children need to go to schools if their children cannot find a job after their children graduate from schools anyway.
Actually, even lower-class parents will be disillusioned and stop believing in the privilege of a good education when they can afford a smart phone and their children can learn physics and computer programming from the smart phone, but they do not have enough money to buy school uniforms and books for their children.


Actually we might be able to use the following idea to help students make money and help teachers not to loose their jobs.
Besides, this idea might not only help anyone be able to share and develop even scientific knowledge but also helps anyone be able to make money from their knowledge or skill at the same time.

The idea is to create open source software that can help anyone create their own league or competition so that they can make money from their knowledge or skill.
In other words, we can use this open source software to create school leagues that help both students and teachers be able to make money from their knowledge.
The school leagues, competitions or tournaments will be live streaming or live broadcasting so that anyone can watch the competition on the internet in real time.

The team that wins a school league game or tournaments will be awarded money, digital coins or cryptocurrencies.
If there are no sponsors support the school league or tournaments, the money or digital coin or cryptocurrencies will come from the registration fee that the competitors need to pay before they can enter the competitions.
The money, digital coin or cryptocurrencies from sponsors or from registration fee will make the school league or tournaments be viable.

The following image shows an example of how a school league game start.
The teacher or coach of the blue team selects the map and questions that the red team must play
After the teacher of the red team see the map that his or her students must play
, the teacher of the red team will select characters and weapons for his or her students, and vice versa.
The teacher or coach of the red team selects the map and questions for the blue team
,and then the blue team will select characters and weapons that they want to use.
Note that in this example, enemies, obstacles and items depend on the map, so the teacher of the other team needs to see the map before selecting the characters and weapons for his or her team.


The teacher of each team can advise the students while the students are playing the game.
For example, the teacher might advise that which question should be resolved first and who should resolve it, or which item should be collected first, or when they should escape, or which way they should go, or what weapon they should use against the enemy that they will fight.

The following image shows what the teacher of the red team will advise the students depends on the map and questions in the game that the students are playing.
For example, if the map of the game that the students playing is a maze, they might select the path that help them escape from the enemy and collect the item at the same time.


The following image shows what the teacher of the blue team will advise the students depends on the map and questions in the game that the students are playing.
For example, if the map of the game that the students playing is difficult terrain, they need to use the item that can help them fly.


Actually, the game that both teams play can use the same map and questions.
The following image shows that both teams use the same map and questions that are randomized by the computer, and the team that can resolve more questions in the time limit
or can collect more game items in the time limit will win the competition.



Note that actually the questions do not need to be mathematics, physics, chemistry, or biology.
The questions can be any traditional puzzles such as crossword, word search, or jigsaw.
In other words, not only can teachers and students create the school leagues but anyone can create their own leagues and makes money from their leagues.

Anyone can upload, test and vote the items, questions, weapons, enemies, characters, etc. that will be used in competitions.
If the items, questions, weapons, enemies, characters, etc. that they have uploaded are used in competitions, they will be awarded digital coins or cryptocurrencies too.
The following image shows the table that has data about the items, questions, weapons, enemies, characters, etc. that the creators or the developers have uploaded.
Notice that the table shows the number of stars from the vote and the number of coins that each of creators or the developers has gotten.


The table below shows the date of the questions, items, enemies, characters, etc. that can be used in the competitions have to be uploaded at least 10 days before
they can be used in the competitions so that anyone on the internet has enough time to learn, test and vote them.


I know it is hard to create an open source software that the developers and the creators can upload game assets and gamers can test and vote these game assets, not to mention this software can transfer the cryptocurrency to the wallets of the developers and the creators as well.
Anyway, this idea will work in my comic book.
By the way, if you do not want to make money in the amusing way, but you want to grow food directly, there has already been an open source project that uses robots to run farms on the internet.

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