An article about Dogezer - Empowering teams to create a better world, together.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Blockchain technology is set to change the world. Bitcoin is just the proof of concept - everyday new coins are being developed that have the potential to change our lives with their revolutionary use-cases.

The future is now!

I have been invited by one such coin, Dogezer, to write an article about the future of development teamwork with their new collaborative job-sourcing platform!

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It has happened to all of us, we get a fantastic, world-bending idea, the kind of idea that will shape the future and affect generations of lives. The only problem is we have little idea how to develop or implement it; our skills only represent a fraction of what's required for the total project. If our confidence remains undamaged, we may have high hopes despite our ignorance on how to carry it out. Maybe we tell a friend or family about it, maybe we even do research. But life continues on as before, we continue to go to work and school, to eat and sleep, and to turn the pages on the calendar.

If progress isn't made, it usually boils down to one simple reason: We don't have the money to hire the right people to get the project off the ground. Self-study and late nights can supplement this to a certain point, but in order to gain traction any project is going to need a team. And that's where Dogezer comes in.

Doing Together

Death Star Summary.jpg
You've got the plans, now where can you find a C++ dev?

No matter what your plans are, you will be trying to get other people involved. Dogezer turns the Pay vs. Equity equation1 on it's head by offering digital assets, this way eliminating the need to look for start-up funding. On its face, this appears to limit Dogezer to the software industry, but with recent projects like 21 Million, token distribution has become a powerful new way to raise capital (and now labor!) for video game and even movie projects.

Darth Vader's Death Star example foreshadows a future of financing and collaboration on all manner of projects including arquitecture and construction, music, movies and games, web, software and platforms, and much more. What was once impossible appears doable as the technology for a Collaborative Crypto kickstarting future comes into plain view.

Dreams can become Reality

Currently, King's Tower Productions is working on an idea for a video game. We have been stretching traditional means of funding to their breaking point in our strategy sessions, hard-pressed to get enough money to onboard those skills that we lack. Not unlike Darth Vader, we need one or two C# developers to help us make this dream a reality.

Now, we will focus on creating the Full Project Description and continuing to work on the art and modelling, while utilizing the power of Dogezer to find skilled personnel that are also enthusiastic about the project.

Project description.jpg
Example Project Description from PixelMe

Skilled workers can also use Dogezer to find work, looking through the vacancies on projects that need people just like them! In a world of massive youth unemployment, a secondary effect of Dogezer is to connect talented people to where they are needed, anywhere around the world. These are not traditional jobs, but entrepreneurial positions that empower all workers, creatives and managers to be their best and work on an equitable footing.

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Loads of Developers are needed right now!

Earning Together

One aspect that initially confused me was the tokenization of projects. Did we now need to somehow integrate blockchain technology into our videogame in order to utilize this new platform Dogezer? But it is much simpler than that! Dogezer allows us to tokenize future revenue, instead of the game itself. There is no reason to change our game or model at all, just commit to spending future revenue to buy back tokens from the involved developers.

This immediately eliminates the pressure and the distraction of worrying about multiple levels of start-up funding. The traditional route involves multiple rounds because, in order to get the money to pay the team, a project has to have reached the phase where it has something to show. Dogezer cuts right through the heart of the vicious cycle of being without a team to develop something to show to raise the money for a team.

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Imagine the world's first Sustainable Agroforestry Simulator made possible by Dogezer!

In the end, the problems facing our world are not based on a lack of ideas, creativity or desire, but instead on an inefficient distribution of resources. Dogezer is a solution for the 21st century that allows labor resources, including knowledge and time, to effectively distribute themselves.

This new platform may not change the way that the big players do things, but it is set up to revolutionize the way that normal people conceptualize their big ideas and the roadmaps for the same. With positive secondary effects addressing some of the biggest issues facing developing and developed economies around the globe, we may be looking at the future of the digital labor market.

Love and Light to All!


(1): Investopedia



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