Adab: The Only Solution To The Future Of Digital Economy And Finance In Islam.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)


Statistics shows that Islamic economic model is one of the most dynamic of the modern economy, and it’s actively moving beyond Muslim countries, this finance is recognized by intergovernmental and international organizations as a form of financial intermediation, that has great potential to strengthen the links between financial institutions and the real economy. The possibility for slack finance to expand the inclusiveness of financialservices and achieve progress in general welfare are fully in line with the United Nations global sustainable development goals.
Many view and issues has arisen in the involvement of electronic money which many Muslim believe believecryptocurency is an haram or halal avoiding disobeying the sharia law but in a nutshell some of the Islamic practitioners believe in the view of sharia if buying and selling electronic money and also for mining is not an haram. According to sharia if anyone who has acquired electronic money in a legitimate way can use them permissible. In order to implement this and project Halal brings forth the concept know has ADAB Solutions.
What is ADAB Solution crypto currency all about?
Adam solutions project is developingwhat will know as FICE- first Islamic crypto exchange based on pariah norms. This platform is created as am exchange and services that comply with the norms of the sharia and operate on the principles of Islam, also create services based on the high moral and cultural values of Islam and provide access to all users of crypto- economics. The Islamic crytocurency platforms created by dab solutions will implements the possibility of purchasing ADAB tokens by users during ICO. This platforms will solve the problem of halal crypto currencytransactions, providing access the crypto currency market for the Muslimamah, which is about 22% OF THE WORLD populations and manages Islamic financial assists.
Features and measures in implementing Adam solutions cryptocureency project to be Halal.

  1. They will complete and pass Islamic expert assessment on compliance with sharia law
  2. They will organizes the sharia supervisory board under the first Islamic cryptoexchanger
  3. They will adhere to documents and procedures, prepared on the basis of a seriousanalysisthat regulates the company work with crypto assets in accordance with the norms of sharia.
  4. They will make their public perception or company image to be good.
  5. Their main activity is masala(Profitable for all) while the haram (illegal) element is absent or very small. This their activities is commented and also combining the benefits of social development and investment opportunities based on the distribution of profits and loses for a wide range of entrepreneurs and investors.
  6. Their level of interest will not exceeds that of law established by SAC.
    Importance of investing in this platform
    The main significance of investing in this platform because its will promote crowd funding from the Islamic perspective which its advantages is outline below:
  7. Operates based on the distribution of profits and loses as required by the principles of Islamic finance
  8. Promotes innovation
  9. Promote job creation
  10. Supports growth of enterprises and allows the future IPO in new sectors
  11. Minimizes risk by dividing capital into several start ups
  12. Open a new asset class for small and medium sized investors and finally ;
  13. Provides access to capital for wide range of entrepreneurs thereby reducing the funding gap.


Advantages of ADAB solutions project for part pants and its uniqueness.

  1. This platforms has aimed at a huge audience of 1.8 billion potential Muslimusers of the global crypto currency market
  2. In terms of productivity of the project, dab solutions project is designed in accordance with the highest securitystandards and has unique technical feature.
  3. With the systems of values based on sharia norms ad principles of Islamic finance will be adopted by ADAB Solutions as a self regulationf the cryptocurrency market and to increase the level of confidence in key cryptocurrencyinstrumnets.
  4. Full transaparency where there it will be possible to buy and sell cryptocurrencies for fiat money of the exchange.
    ADAB solution is projects not only for muslims and Islamic blockchainstartup but its is an open marketplace for anyone who wants to build an honest technology business. They also serve as key task in creating a structure that will establish new ethical standards for doing business in the industry, also as a big reposnsibity for the creators of the projects. ADAB is way of life in islam, which serves an obligatory foundations of business relations.



Future market plan ADAB solutions







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