Debt-Based Currency verse Cryptocurrency. A 40 Minute Animated Documentary on Corrupt Banking with a follow up on why cryptocurrency economics are the answer to scarcity.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Money as Debt. A comprehensive and simple explanation of the current banking industry with an emphasis on why we need new economic systems to thrive as a people.

The existing Centralized corporate banking industry inherently creates scarcity and facilitates systemic indentured servitude.

Blockchain Powered Cryptocurrencies that fairly distribute wealth and decision-making to all users of the system are the answer to this economic imbalance in power.

Instead of stacking the extra wealth created by the taxation on the movement of resources into a pyramid like model, a balanced economic system instead redistributes the additional resources to perform services for the users of the currency. Furthermore, in truly decentralized models, the currency users themselves have a direct vote on how the additional funds from taxes/tithings/transaction fees are spent.

Before the rise of blockchain technology and liquid democracy voting systems, it was literally impossible to collect the votes of all currency users in a timely manner. The good Ol' Governmental Dinosaurs are taking awhile to catch up to these new blockchain systems. If we leave it up to them it will be decades (or centuries) before we are using blockchain voting to fairly distribute national tax dollars.

Its up to us to discover, utilize, promote cryptocurrencies that fairly distribute wealth and decision making, for the highest good of ourselves and all People of this Planet Earth.

However, many cryptocurrencies use similar methods of centralized distribution and hoarding.... be wary, most coins do not embody truly decentralized economic practices.

Here in the Earth Nation, we are exploring if Steem has the characteristics of a currency and community that facilitates fair distribution of resources and decision making.

What do you think? What cryptocurrencies on the market at this time are using distribution and decision making policies that directly benefit all/most community members using that currency? Please share in the comments!


WARNING! This is an obvious sponsored content. Financed by an anonymous community member @Freedom

......your point is?...

P.S. if you want to look professional use professional grammar!

I'd like to introduce a unique currency, unlike any other. Equality Keys.

Our Currency has 5 unique characteristics.

1. Backed by the Earth Nation Reserve.
50% of all key sales go towards placing buy orders for our keys on the open market. This adds a layer of stability to our currency that reduces fluctuations and makes it impossible for our currency to crash.
2. Backed by Earth Nation Assets.
25% of all key sales go towards purchasing land/business/resource assets for the purpose of funding decentralized communities and businesses that make alliance agreements to permanently increase the value of our currency. We currently have unlimited access to 50 million dollars in tangible land and building assets and conditional access to over 20 million in software/network assets.

3. Decentralized Autonomous Organization Decision Making.
Voteholders of the Earth Nation hold the power to approve and deny proposals for project funding from the Earth Nation. All projects approved add value to our currency by creating a new product/service/experience that is only obtainable by purchase with Keys.

4. Industry Leading Gamification User Portal. By combining 3d animation with software intelligence, we are creating a fully interactive onboarding process for all earth nation members that mimics the most addictive and entrancing video games on the planet.

5. Software Intelligence Applications. The power of artificial intelligence integrated with hive-mind decision making and real life integrated communities. We specialize in software/social/economic/governance social media-esque systems that bring the blockchain into the lives of normal people.

Support the beta launch (happening next month) by sharing a post at

Our ico launches early next year.

Where is your website? please ignore joe @algons hes just a internet troll.

Thank you that you give an opinion and that you help our community to grow. It is incredible that sharing and commenting we can make this place a better one.

We are all involved in cryptocurrencies and we know that it is important to have different opinions from different sources. That's why we propose you to take a look at what we look:

You can take a look or not, but we are already glad to be able to invite you.

This is how a community grows and how we can make it better for all of us.

The best for you, keep commenting, sharing your views on different topics and participating.
Thank you.

I want to help, will we talk about this in the Earth Nation meeting tomorrow? I'm very interested in helping out.

Very interesting, I understood the concept to some extent, though that video explains it very well. Like many others my interest in crypto currencies stems at least partly from my understanding that fiat currencies are all fundamentally flawed.

Does steem or any other crypto currency facilitate the fair distribution of resources and decision making? I'd say not really, some may be are probably a step in the right direction and an improvement over fiat, at least in the sense that it is not possible to loan (with or without interest) money that does not actually exist. However the distribution of all currencies is weighted heavily in favor of those who bought it with fiat and/or got in early.

"many cryptocurrencies use similar methods of centralized distribution and hoarding.... be wary, most coins do not embody truly decentralized economic practices"

Yes, finally! That's what I've been talking about! (see my posts)

Your currency might not be the one with the best ROI in short term (even 2 years); but I'm sure yours will be the one that will be standing when all bubbles burst in the coming years!

Interesting stuff

Quite an interesting post. A couple thoughts...

Steem blockchain is controlled by the witnesses, particularly the top 20. Steemit accounts are permitted to vote on witnesses, and our votes are weighted according to the amount of SP held by the account.

This means that someone with enough Steem can just vote in whatever witnesses they want, and gain complete control over Steem. It is hard to be more centralized than this, as nothing is more centralized than money in this world.

Also, here's some thoughts on why BTC and other cryptocurrencies haven't been strangled in their cribs. Lemme know what you think, if you would.


For money to be utilized by it's true nature it must be spent into an economy rather than being loaned into it. That is why Steem is so incredible, this system allows currency to be used the way it was meant to be. The fact that the currency is created based on the use and contributions to this network is unreal. Now all that is left to do is find a way to connect our resources in the real world to these cryptocurrencies and I have an idea on how to do just that if anyone is interested :) We are already working on it in Phoenix, AZ!


You have earned my respect. Hopefully I can do the same ;)


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