Spring is here. Its crypto wallet cleaning time. What coins should I make sure I have for the year?

I have over 20 coins currently. Some I have more of than others. They are on this exchange, that exchange. This wallet, that wallet. I don't want to have all my eggs in one basket. I also, don't think I need this many baskets. I think 10 is a better number. 10 really good coins, that have the best chance of surviving the next couple years. Care to share a couple coins you think will weather the storm of technology and investing? Care to help me decide which coins I own that won't make it through to the other side?


I currently own BTC, LTC, ETH, Steem, EOS, NEO, Peerplays, OMG, NLC2, Kucoin Shares, Binance bits, Verge, Ripple, Nano, Stellar Lumens, Vibe, VeChain, Signal, Onion, Icon, Aion, Civic, BAT, Bancor, FunFair, Bitshares, Crypterium, and Burst. I have a good idea of a few of the coins I am going to let go, but I thought I would see which of them you all would let go?

Also which coins do I not have that I should have already? What are your favorite coins that I am missing?

I will make another post with my spring cleaning results in the near future. The coins I got rid of, and the new coins I added based on suggestions here..

Thanks for your response in advance, you are appreciated! This is the only place I have to talk about crypto with people who are as aware or more aware than me. The amount if people around me in real life who know or invest in crypto is still minuscule. That at least lets me know we still have lots of room to grow!

Woot woot,



You are missing a lot!Burst is useless.You don't have Substratum??Check out Creative chain,Rise..Kin is super cheap.

I used to have some SUB. I got rid of it.. I like the idea though. So maybe I will have to jump back in..
Creative chain, rise, and kin. I will check them out. I have only heard of kin but never looked into it. There are so many cryptos out there. Why do you think those 3 will be winners?

you got some good coins there Dr. I really like, of course, STEEM along with EOS, ETH, BAT, Stellar lumens, Bitshares, NEO and OMG

I would say maybe checkout ADA and TRON-- I like their team and initiatives.

Oh, and i would dump Ripple once everything explodes, but that's just my feel

Cheers Dr.!!

I like Komodo, Monero and Dragonchain.

Also NPXS.

I do the same atm and try to get rid of some coins but it is hard to decide.

I liked dragonchain when I looked at it too. The staking was really cool. That is one I will have to look at again.

Monero is a privacy coin right? Why is it better than zcash? I hear the zksnarks is really good tech.

Komodo I have only ever heard of so I will have to take a good look. Thanks for sharing flipstar!

You got the good coins! I would dump civic.. donno about the rest.

I'll probably start buying in MAY NEO, Ripple, and Litecoin. Favorites I have always made good calls with.

What's the fud on Civic? Identity verification and security seems like a good blockchain tech. What did I miss lol?

Civic sound system like it could be useful but their newer competition like ontology seem to be kicking their ass. Not sure what’s going on with civic now though.

I don't own any crypto other than STEEM, and I'm not at all knowledgeable about the rest as I need to be, but I'll take a stab at this anyway.

What you keep:

BTC, LTC, ETH, STEEM, EOS, Bitshares, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, Stellar, NEO.

The rest, I don't know anything about (and most I haven't even heard of) to even make a guess at, except for Verge, and I may be mixing it up with something else. Otherwise, I would expect you to sell it.

I'm sure you'll be keeping more than what I listed. I have no advice as to what to buy, unless you decide to get more of the ones you're keeping.

I'll be interested to see what you come up with, though. That's a lot of crypto! :)

You need to start grabbing yourself some! Of the good ones I listed that you named, what would you buy more of?

Probably anything related to Dan Larimer. When EOS takes off, I'm guessing all of the stuff he's responsible for or ever worked on is also going to take off. I'm not sure why he's not a household name yet, but if EOS even delivers on a tenth of what its potential is, he will be.

If it were me, these would be the definite keepers: BTC, LTC, ETH, Steem, EOS, OMG, Stellar Lumens, BAT, FunFair. The other coins in your holdings look great too, by the way.

As to your other question:

Also which coins do I not have that I should have already? What are your favorite coins that I am missing?

…I would add the coins that are currently undervalued but have a great chance at exploding in price in the coming weeks and months: PAY, LEND, MANNA.

(disclaimer: I myself have invested in all these tokens, because I liked their creators’ mission and the disruptive potential of the platform behind each token)

Thanks for sharing. Ya I am also less concerned with current price. And more concerned with potential usefulness and disruption of current models of businesses. I like lend. I had a good chunk but sold it off for more Steem. Because I decided Steem basically had lend built in, via renting out SP though it's a little different.

Manna is one I need to look into more.

And I have always like pay, and the videos the CEO made. They were just having problems with banks and shipping cards and etc so I waited.

I’ve been trying to put everything into new and eos. I have a bunch of really small holdings in small coins, I’m also trying to consolidate those. For example, I sold my gifto today for more wanchain. I’m hoping to sell my lunyr for more deep brain chain, I’m happy having a lot of coins but I’m done holding $20 usd per coin. I do need to pick up more bitcoin though as it’s only 9% of what I have.

My goal was to start with more stable coins I thought would do well this year, then once I felt like I had enough to really gain from the next market jump, focus on mid and low cap coins that are more risky.

Have you looked at power ledger, POWR?

ONO bro, check it out @onosocial. First 5 I am right there with you.

It's a very diverse portfolio. I wish I knew enough about all those coins. You need a good privacy coin and I'd also suggest a lending coin. I have Monero and SALT respectively. Monero is market leader, first mover and the tech is solid. Not as happy with SALT, it's tanked recently but may be a bargain or there may be better coins in the lending space now.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.027
BTC 60063.85
ETH 2313.06
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.46