New Framework for Scientific Publishing and Research Compensation

Yesterday I posted the first description of my new idea for a #sciencetangle

Today in this post, I will both better explain that concept, as well as confirm yesterdays 'result' to build this #sciencetangle1. More on the second part later.

First, what are the goal of this sciencetangle platform and beta test?

Most scientists would agree that the current system for publishing is broken. Still, we require publications as proof of productivity and expertise in sub-disciplines.

These are the current problems with publishing I hope to address:
  1. Authorship - As I ranted a couple weeks ago, we need a better system for assigning authorship that is objective and can be proven. This is where blockchain-related techology can help.
  2. Rewards - Currently, researchers must actually pay to publish their work. In many cases, researchers must also give their copyright to the journal that publishes their work. They enlist other unpaid researchers to tell them if the work is rigorous. On top of that, those journals then require readers to pay huge fees to access those articles, resulting in a ludicrous profit motive.
  3. Access - Related to the previous point, journals require subscription fees to access the content that they didn't make in the first place. has attempted to improve free access to knowledge, but the site is constantly being taken down and reposted.
Here's how ScienceTangle addresses these points:
  1. Authorship - by moving experimental results to the ScienceTangle, we have created proof-of-research, such that the chain of actual contributions are public and provable. Contributions of everyone are simply their proportion of nodes contributed to a project. We incentivize people for posting their work by rewarding researchers for posting them, and we immediately create a system where data production outpaces the rate of interpretation.
  2. Rewards - Instead of making researchers pay to submit their data for publication, we reward them for uploading it. Instead of forcing researchers to review other's works, through a public process of peer review, curators also get rewarded for confirming connections between data. Curators also will have the potential for even greater rewards if they make new connects among the nodes that were previously unnoticed. The reward for such curation will be proportional to the size of the data connected, as well as the previous distance between those bodies of work.
  3. Access - Again, since all the nodes are on a public blockchain-like system, all the results and interpretations are available to anyone, and are updated in real time.

How does it work?

Similar to the idea of a tangle first reported by the team behind IOTA, data is added to the ScienceTangle, and optionally, can be 'interpreted' to be confirmation of two previous results. Previous results gain strength as more nodes support them, and new nodes at the surface become eligible to be connected by new data in the future.


New data or new connections

As I mentioned above, rewards are also earned through the manual 'mining' process that is expert data curation and interpretation. If someone wants to only produce data, they can introduce data without 'interpretation' for reduced rewards. If someone only wants to curate results, they can be rewarded for spending time trying to understand how all the nodes fit together, or connecting nodes in new ways. In this way, the interpretation and even automation of interpretation, e.g. using artificial intelligence, is incentivized.

Practical implementation here in beta, theta, or whatever the earliest working version is called.

As I hinted in the introduction, this post will serve as confirmation of the previous post I made yesterday, and together these two posts mark genesis of the #ScienceTangle1. Posts by me or others in the future wishing to confirm these ideas (or 'results') should reference this hashtag, and also add their own unique string to an additional hashtag, e.g. the next confirmation could be 2 or ABD32, its arbitrary.

Of course in the future, I will be working to implement these features automatically off the steemit blockchain, but meanwhile this post is part of a new type of tangle on top of a traditional blockchain! Cool, right?

Who will be the first to confirm my results?

Thank you for reading!

Follow me on twitter @sci_j_my

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that's quite interesting... it might be useful one day :-)

thanks for reading my work! but not interesting enough to upvote?

I hope it will be useful soon, I'm working on an implementation

My vote strength was low. Just upvoted ;-)

good job, i did explanation about Photosynthesis and what you think about it its simple explanation.

Thanks for reading and commenting!

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