I recently invested in an ICOfrom Play2Live that seems really interesting and has similar ideas as Steemit.

I was researching cryptocurrencies and came across an ICO that was about to happen. So being the skeptic that I am I went and did my research. What I found surprised me. I have been a fan of Twitch since it came out. I am a fan of a lot things they have done and the way the help monetize content creators who might not have a chance of making money in the industry any other way. I am all about creating a space for the masses to come up with original content that people can choose to get behind or ignore. Play2Live seems to have taken this idea and expanded on the ways people viewing the content as well as the creators can get paid for their time similar to how steemit works except with thier currency LUC. The team in charge have a background in the gaming industry, more specifically tournament gaming spaces and streamed events. This is not a advertisement for them so I will stop there. I just wanted to share a up and coming coin that I personally have invested in and hope to see good things come from it.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 58118.57
ETH 2462.81
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.38