A chance to win 5000 Electronium ETN every week with official wallet.


Did you know, if you have an electronium wallet, you can have a weekly chance to win 5000 ETN?

All you need to do is open your Electronium wallet
if you don't already have this then download the official Electronium app from Electronium Ltd. via (android) or Appstore (ios) and login to or sign up for a wallet account.

**Tap 'More' icon (gear icon, bottom right), **
Tap 'Earn FREE Coins' (at the top),
Tap 'Enter a code (can be done once a week),
**Enter this code '86799B' for your chance to get 5000 ETN coins/tokens every week. **

Below is a screenshot of the details of ways to win. etc., along with my code which will give you a chance to win.


Thankyou for using my code & please feel more than free to post your codes below & I'll try to use some of yours to help you get even more chances to win

***5000 electronium = £166.15 at the time of writing this post. ***


I know every coin got hit hard in the past few weeks but ETN especially is way, way down. I had a friend who was up almost 50k thanks to ETN but is now down to a small fraction of that. I wonder when we'll see this recover.

I know the feeling of which I'm sure a lot of people do but the market will rise again.

Even after the hard crashes, I'm still a little ahead of my initial purchase of various tokens of which I had bought about a year ago.

Not sure when things will bounce back but, I am pretty confident it will happen some time soon!

download (3).jpg
Good time to buy, I would have thought.

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