Don't be cheap, buy a new hardware wallet

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemit,


I just read an article about someone who got all his coins stolen from his hardware wallet. And some people decided to use this to spread fear about cryptocurrencies and use a catchy title like 'a man got all his lifesavings stolen from hardware wallet'. True in some way but misleading because of 'used' or second hand not mentioned.

The full story is the man bought a second hand wallet that has been used and therefore the recovery phrase has been initialized by the first owner of the wallet. And the coins were then stolen by you can guess who

People who understand and has been in the cryptocurrencies for a while would immediately know that this is the man's own fault and nothing is wrong with the hardware wallet and cryptocurrency security. If your seed has been seen or known by someone then your wallet can be hacked, everyone should know this.

It's a sad story and just in case someone is planning to buy a used wallet, please DON'T. The savings is just not worth the risk

Buy new, and keep the recovery phrase safe, and PIN to yourself


ow that is realy sad! I guess such a wallet is better then my online wallets, meaby I better look into it

I heard of this, really best to be safe than sorry

yes, the hardware wallet is not even expensive

I agree a 100% its a great way to keep your investment safe, I just wish the ledger was a bit better cant hold much at once unless its ERC 20 tokens

second hand wallet
by not mentioning it they made a huge mistake! Great article friend, a very useful content for all cryto holders!


thank you theguruasia, sometimes people want to save money that's fine, but for hardware wallet is just not worth the risk

very sad that is but we should try to be safe from all of these

thank you sadcasm, security is worth the price, better be safe than sorry

Wow man that's something I have never even thought of happening. The recovery phrase is a very dangerous thing to expose or lose!

Yes i think the only way to steal from hardware wallet is by stealing the recovery phrase or you need the pin plus the wallet itself, otherwise it's quite safe

Excellent suggestion and that hardware wallet is surely worth buying, thanks for telling us about such nice hardware wallet, Stay blessed

thank you adnanrabbani, yes i suggested Ledger Nano S few months ago, this story is a good reminder of how important security is

Yes, now the fashion for such wallets, you have to buy only new ones, and then probably there are no guarantees that it will not be hacked. Thanks for the warning.

thank you magnata, the hardware wallet is very safe, but sometimes human error can make it not so safe

It is very important for us to buy a new hardware Wallet because of increasing security on crypto! Thanks, @djohan for this wonderful information.

thank you irfanullah, yes security is most important for crypto

amen! people should be really careful with large amounts of crypto! diversifying to different locations is great too!

thank you kevbot, yes the security of the cryptos is as important as the gains you make, a few different wallets can be good too just in case

Oh yeah, such second-hand purses can not be bought, otherwise you will remain beggars! Thank you @djohan

thank you serkagan, maybe the guy saved 30 dollars and then lose 30 thousand after that, not worth it

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