Ideas for Crypto Businesses

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago
  • Crypto Addiction Counsellor.
    You could help poor folks that can't stop trading s***coins on Cryptopia, and showing them that there is more to life than crypto; for example, Coca-Cola and paper bags.

  • Crypto Addiction
    Alternatively, you could become an addict yourself, shun the meaningless things in life, like Coca-cola and paper bags, and spend your day hunting gems like Penguin Coin on Cryptopia. Just make sure to come up with a believeable lie when people ask you what you do.

  • Sell Crypto Swag
    Who wouldn't want a sweet Ripple hat???

  • Scammer
    This one is easy. Just register on Twitter, then find a popular Crypto Twitter poster. Change your name to his name and your profile pic to his, then under every single one of his posts, tweet that you are giving away ETH to anyone who sends you a smaller amount of ETH. Say things like "I have found an amazing opportunity you guys!!" and "Once in a Lifetime chance!" This, sadly, does seem to work.

  • Start a Crypto Podcast
    Even better, start a video channel and post pictures of charts and say things like "capitulation," "Ichimuro cloud is looking good" and "resistance" and people will think you are a genius.

  • Run an ICO
    At this point I don't think you even need a whitepaper. Just make sure you don't get in trouble with the SCC lol

  • Become a Crypto Miner
    Buy a bunch of ASIC miners for thousands of dollars. Then cry yourself to sleep every night after your wife makes you sell them because the noise is unbearable and you might even be going deaf, the entire basement is a sauna and your AC unit broke trying to cool it, and they only made you like a couple dollars a day each anyway, and then you tried to sell them on Craigslist but you got scammed by someone who wanted to buy with Paypal. OOPS!

  • Become a full time Steemit poster
    Anyone can become a trending Steemit poster! Just buy votes! Unforch you can't actually make profits this way but at least you will have thousands of bot followers!


I quit my job and now upvote MY OWN posts for 3 dollars a day. Oh wait.. sorry 1.5 dollars a day..(just checked coinmarketcap)

"I have found an amazing opportunity you guys!!" and "Once in a Lifetime chance!" This, sadly, does seem to work.

Great post! The ‘you guys’ part had me lol…You know you might be gettin’ played if ‘you guys’ is said frequently…

AC unit broke trying to cool it, and they only made you like a couple dollars a day each anyway, and then you tried to sell them on Craigslist but you got scammed by someone who wanted to buy with Paypal. OOPS!

Again, funny, but not really….broken ac, etc…but the Paypal part has me lol…OOPS…smh…lol!

Anyone can become a trending Steemit poster! Just buy votes!

Too funny!

Now all the whales would deem us part of the Steemit problem…Posts like yours will ‘awaken’ the unsuspecting plankton/minnows.


There are many ways to make money off crypto. I feel like masternodes and steemit will be the best way to go

I feel

Warning: Those two words and crypto can be a detrimentally volatile

The way I see it is if you don’t do your own research it is your fault for losing money. Why would you trust someone with your money?

it is your fault


But, when the Truth come to Light, finger-pointing won't make wrong right or bad good. A thief is one who deliberately sets out to deceive and STEAL, which ultimately destroys any 'trust' that crypto is little more than a bogus get-rich-quick, pump and dump scam.

It's no mystery why the value is being chiseled away. You can only FOOL the people for a little while before word gets out that without regulations, crypto is a place for being the one 'not' left HODLing AIR. Wise investors don't put their money in things that don't generate commerce.

For all who doubted Buffett, the pump and dump is exactly what he was alluding to when he said he wouldn't touch crypto with a 10-foot pole.

Btw, John 10:10 reminds us that "Satan's goal is to steal, kill and destroy" anything good. Ill-gotten gain is anything but good... and the price tag always comes at a higher price than any amount setting in the crypto account could ever pay. The cost of one's soul is priceless; and, satan knows this...that's why he likes to shine as an 'angel of light'...baller, shot-caller...all an eternal illusion.


So what I can’t voice my opinion on matters simply because someone else won’t have the common sense to do their own research?

Truth be told...this is supposed to be the beauty of Freedom of Speech...

I think in all fairness those new to Steemit, et al need to know the banana peel on which they stand.

Speaking of free speech, do you think @ned was fair to flag @berniesanders? If you have an opinion, I'd love to know.


Idk I am not sure. @ned has a fair point but @berniesanders also has a fair point I can’t really say simply because I have only been on the platform for less then 6 months so development wise is can’t say worries @ned won't flag're not a whale...he doesn't even know or care that you exist...CORRECTION: I'm sure he cares...numbers matter.

I'll say...not much steam is thrown at Steemit, it sounds personal...why not flag old
People join Steemit with hopes of escaping the YouTube 'flags'. Such behavior won't be an incentive to build a 'following' on the Steemit platform.

Lol...I so love your 'diplomatic' my day...seriously....


I wont talk about others.
But the last one is very true and i dont get how those account start following after sending bid.
Do the bot owner own's those account or something else.
Abusement of followers, dead followers.

Made so many losses in crypto sir.

@resteemator is a new bot casting votes for its followers. Follow @resteemator and vote this comment to increase your chance to be voted in the future!

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