Glad I Met Cryptocurrency

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

I used to have an Economics Teacher in senior high school that teaches us and encourages us to learn about stocks. I will forever remember her as she ever did something very noble for me which I will tell the story next time. In our Economics text book there is a chapter discussing about stocks and the market, when we reached that chapter she began telling us story of her beginning a journey in the stock market, she starts telling us different types of stocks, how much she earned, what company is listed in the stock exchange from our city and a lot more. One day she brought us to a field trip to the stock exchange, there we learned and had a small simulation game of playing stock, the stock exchange PIC play as the moderator setting up conditions that affects the price of the 2 stocks we can buy. For 1 hour we buy and sell stocks and had fun, that should be the first time I got to almost real trading. I remember after that field trip, every time the teacher comes to our class with our good mood we would say the price of stocks are rising, and when she comes in on a bad mood or gets angry mid class we would say the stocks price are dropping.

One year later on my last year of senior high school, there is a stock simulation contest held by one of the universities in our city and our school were invited and can send 2 teams, I was assigned together with another 2 friends to for a team of three. The day comes and we had experience playing such game before from our field trip to the stocks exchange, the game rule is basically the same just that the economy condition change happens every 5 minutes by picking up random paper from a bowl. We were given 2 stocks to choose from and had to fill up a small paper to buy or sell a stock, so at the start we were given a capital and start buying, the team with the highest net worth at the end wins the game. After frantically running and queuing to buy and sell stocks, I noticed a loophole, the net worth is based on the amount of stocks you have in the end multiplied by the last price of the stock. I began buying the cheaper price of the 2 stocks and emptied the other stock, holding a little cash, as the time is about to end I buy the stocks I chose with all my cash left to pump up the price. The person in charge of accepting the buy of the share asked me whether I am sure to keep buying although the price is already so high and my answer is a short yes. After the contest is over we were given a seminar while they calculate the winner, you guessed it, I won the contest by noticing the loophole, the prize is discount voucher for registering to the college which is useful to me in the end.

Before my senior high school ends I wanted to try investing in the stocks market, but cannot due to the age restriction, and soon forget about it. During college I started playing on forex but soon stopped due to the speed of earning and losing which I can't handle well and most importantly the enormous transaction fee. Now I've found crypto trading which I think suit me better and have better prospect in the future. When I played in the forex, I can't have a good night sleep and whenever the price is falling I get super panic, however with cryptocurrency I am not having bad dreams of the price going up or down, and I don't feel panic at all when the price is falling because I believe in the long term growth. Of course I do not believe in the prospect off all the altcoins, therefore I only invest and trade on the ones I believe. I wonder how the teacher is now, I have never seen her again after I went to college, maybe she got in to cryptocurrency and is super rich now buying bitcoin before.


Hi @derp91!

As you are most likely aware:

Wealth - the stuff you can buy with the money you have - can be created in only one way and that is by creating or producing goods or services that can be useful to other people.

Stock trading, forex and crypto trading are means for you to get purchasing power into your hands with which you can obtain wealth produced by other people without you having contributed to that pool of real wealth at all.

And this simple fact lies at the heart of the downfall of the modern world economy - too many people on the take of too little good stuff being produced.

Lets hope robots take over production completely and soon, delivering innovations that can really improve the quality of our lives, so we don't have to feel bad about 'getting wealthy' without producing a thing!

Have a nice day my friend - and I will give you a vote for being honest and giving me the the opportunity to highlight this moral dilemma we all have to cope with. I hope my vote went through, as this post was interrupted by a spot of down time.

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