HUMANCOIN(HUMA): The New e-commerce Cryptocurrency Fuelled by The Proof of Charity Mining Protocol

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

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Humancoin is a leap forward blockchain project, which joins humanitarians and beneficiaries of assets on a solitary platform in the most helpful and straightforward way that could be available. Contributors can rapidly make donation around the world, monitor their use on the web and furthermore get rebates from the platform accomplices. Beneficent activities can acknowledge assets with insignificant overheads and in the briefest time in any advantageous cash. Humancoin is a progressive stage that is changing the charity business for good, particularly made to work in cooperative energy with the web-based business and digital currency markets, which together have a joined estimation of $3.5 trillion!
This is the primary ever blockchain project in the historical backdrop of the e-commerce business industry that can possibly turn into a worldwide devotion program aggregator. Rather than contending with existing projects, the Humancoin stage really manufactures associations with them. The Humancoin token is convertible into focuses, miles, rewards, coupons, tokens and is easily coordinated into officially existing frameworks, without driving entrepreneurs to reconfigure them all it requires is setting a transformation rate.
As the quantity of accomplices develops, which is one of the undertaking's primary needs, they envision a noteworthy increment in the popularity of the token. Specifically, there are plans to create associations with crypto exchanges enabling Humancoin token holders to get discount on trade charges). A similar guideline will apply to carriers, where the token will be utilized similarly as Air miles.
The future extension of the project will be financed by the 5%-charge raised from the funds gathered for a charity project, which is 4 times lower than the market normal. Humancoin's relationship with charity gives its tokens a novel favorable position in creating steadfastness programs with accomplices, in contrast with other ordinary faithfulness reward tokens.
The blockchain stage fuelled by the Humancoin token will inhale new life into the magnanimity business, giving an engine of development while in the meantime turning into a chief worldwide dedication program for an expanding number of accomplices.
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Regardless of the ascent of new systems for donating, the philanthropy business still can't defeat its principle hindrance an absence of trust. Donors, the greater part of whom are private people, basically do not have the way to confirm whether their assets have achieved the addressee in full and in the required time period, regardless of whether they exchange the cash with the assistance of specific associations. As per different sources, around (at least 20%) of all gave subsidizes wind up being kept as authoritative costs by philanthropy establishments.
Many are looked with the many-sided quality of cross-border payments (when one needs to encourage an outside beneficiary) and later, potential challenges with administrative bodies. What's more, donors are forced to spend a piece of their benevolent commitment on taking care of the operational expenses of the exchange.


The distributed record technology, which is intended to put a conclusion to the middleman, disposes of the long philanthropy chain made out of banks, NGOs, state bodies and law offices. Blockchain gives a computerized instrument for recording and surveys any transaction. It is vital that the record can't be hacked or adjusted. Blockchain solves the trust issue by giving straightforwardness, traceability, and security.
Imperatively, the new technology encourages the improvement of direct financing stages on a considerably bigger scale. philanthropy themselves can at last advantage from robotized smart contracts as the beneficiaries of awards have the capacity to utilize their funds subsequent to meeting obligatory conditions.
All the numerous favorable circumstances that blockchain conveys will spur the development of the philanthropy business. This new innovation is now being examined by significant market players, for example, UNICEF, the World Bank, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In the course of recent years, various regarded beneficent associations, for example, the Red Cross, Save the Children and United Way, among others, have just started expecting donations in cryptographic forms of money.


  1. This is the primary ever blockchain project that can possibly turn into a worldwide online business steadfastness program aggregator.
  2. Association with generosity gives its tokens a uniquely favorable position in creating dedication programs with accomplices making a compelling passionate reverberation.
  3. Instead of rivaling existing projects, the Humancoin token is easily coordinated into officially existing frameworks — all it requires is setting a change rate.
  4. For the first run through ever, a blockchain venture with the possibility to form into a worldwide aggregator of a huge number of unwaveringness programs has developed in the online business field because of help from the philanthropy business. This (and additionally the straightforwardness of execution) is the key problematic advantage of Humancoin.


• Token Name: Humancoin(HUMA)
• Price Per Token: 0.01 USD
• Bonus: Available
• Bounty: Available
• Accepting: ETH
• Price of the Tokens: 1 Humancoin = $0.01 USD
• Min Purchase: 0.1 ETH
• Presale: July 1 – August 15
• Token Sale: September 15–November 1
• Soft Cap: $6,000,000 USD
• Hard Cap: $26,000,000 USD
• Whitelist/KYC: Yes


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