Get paid to respond to emails! Monetize your lists!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Tired of having your inbox spammed with unsolicited emails? I was too! I recently stumbled upon a new platform called Earn. Earn gives you an email address you can share with all the spammers and people who you don't know. The catch? They have to agree to pay you to respond to their email! The best part is you get to set the price of a response. It can be as low as $1 or as high as $100. Earn also integrates with Gmail so you can activate it on an account where you already have!

Are you looking to get in contact with an expert but don't know how? Earn has a lists feature that allows you to get in contact with people, whether it's a venture capital (VC) firm or programmers, or fellow crypto enthusiasts. You only pay when someone replies to your email. You can also apply to join lists so that you get paid for responding to emails as well.

Disclaimer: The link in this post is my referral link. If you do sign up, I'd appreciate it if you could use my link: Earn
Please share with your friends!


This is awesome! I'm signing up right now!

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