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RE: Cashing Out a couple open.EOS on Bitshares to USD with Blocktrades & Bitpay only took me minutes and was faster than any centralized exchange. Good to know that the decentralized open source tools we use here on steem actually work BETTER.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

I'm just thankful that we're not getting all the government we're paying for.


LOL dailyxkcd ??/ dude do you actuallly make those comics? If you were the author yeah but man lol be careful, try not to just be a plagarist, I mean yeah a bot to post a daily XKCD on steem would actually be a good idea to make money, but its not morally right is it? Unless you are just featuring MANy comics? I mean XKCD is like very popular but does that mean you get to just post it in an account made just for reposting someone elses content? I don't know man

like if I did a "DailyZerohedge" and just reposted zerohedge articles woiuld that be OK? Well I guess since @zer0hedge already does that and gets away with it I guess have at it

steem seems to have little ethics so whatever post what you want, who cares just lets post all the content from all over thw web, and when we get more users we can flag and stop upvoting you when the REAL XKCD comes to steem, shouldn't THEY get to have those upvotes?

Like what happens when by the time XKCD the real one, comes to steem, they see YOU making $100s of dollars postoing THEIR material, and when THEY try toi post it they get flagged as a plagarist, but of course cheetah SHOUL:D be much smarter than that I think anyx built in some safegaurds against stuff like THAT from happening but yeah its kinda like... Id feel bad to have to watch XKCD have to watch someoen else make money off posting their content, I don't know.. I do like you bringing that stuff to steem though it does fit steem but I don't know, kinda stealing content but whatever, I wish you luck hope you make plenbty of steem just make you are system automated

and start reposting ALL the content from reddit especiall we actually do need it

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