Opiria ICO pros and cons – independent look.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

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The authors of the Opiria ICO project developed a platform that will allow companies to access the “correct” market research. This will eliminate middlemen in the process and provide direct access to customer base research with consumer permission. Entrepreneurs will also have access to more accurate and relevant data. This will raise the bar of quality and accuracy of market research to a new level.

Opiria was founded in 2015, and the platform was launched a year later. In 2017, the platform was localized for the Chinese market. The project development team is an impressive team with extensive experience in engineering and entrepreneurship. Each of them has a significant biography and a considerable number of skills.

In the “White paper” of the proposal states that “members have experience in the creation or promotion of startups.” Key project managers have specialized education and relevant experience. However, information about software developers is presented much less — only their names and photos.

The weak side of the project is the presence of relatively strong specialists in the field of technology, but not in marketing. Nevertheless, the project management has considerable experience in the field of entrepreneurship. He is also assisted by good advisers.

The project’s White paper notes that “personal data is the fuel of the 21st century”. The availability of accurate data on the desires of customers helps in creating optimal products, improves market forecasts and allows you to effectively navigate in research and development.


As noted by the authors of Opiria, most of the companies involved in the provision of data, provides incomplete and inaccurate information. Clients themselves often do not share their data or provide inaccurate information, as they have no incentive to disclose to producers what they want. This leads to low efficiency of market research. Many companies are forced to guess what customers want, and released new products and services often remain unclaimed.

At the same time, brokerage activity has become one of the largest segments of the financial market, the turnover of which is estimated at about $250 billion per year. At the same time, brokers use advanced methods of collecting customer data, which leads to an increase in their discontent.

The creators of Opiria believe that they can overcome these problems by introducing the PDATA token and their platform. The project will allow companies to buy data directly from their customers. We are talking only about the information that customers will be willing to provide for the appropriate remuneration. Customers will have full control over their personal information in accordance with the current General data protection regulation.

Problems that want to solve the Opiria’s authors


the lack of information for the development of new products hinders the development of companies (manufacturers should know what people want, so as not to create unnecessary and not in demand products and services);

  1. customers do not like to share their personal information, so
    disclose it or not, or even indicate incorrect data;
  2. the main reason for consumers ’ reluctance to share personal data is
    the lack of incentive;
  3. incorrect data provided by customers leads to the fact that up to
    70-80% of new products are unclaimed.

The solution of Opiria is to create a system in which customers will be able to fully control personal data and receive remuneration for their provision.

The principle of Opiria platform operation


The Opiria ecosystem consists of consumers and companies involved in the development of a two-way domestic economy. The company will acquire the personal data directly from consumers for tokens PDATA.

Consumers receive a digital coin for the provision of personal information to producers. They will decide for themselves what personal information they are willing to disclose and who has the right to access it. Anonymity and confidentiality of users ’ personal information is reliably guaranteed by special blocking mechanisms.

Opiria platform — a completely open market safe trading personal data without intermediaries. The token allows you to evaluate your personal data in cryptocurrency, which accurately reflects their value.

Companies will have quick and easy access to consumers’ personal data, rewarding them with PDATA tokens. Specific information about clients’ preferences will allow them to make the right decisions when developing new products and services, as well as better focus on the current marketing situation and demand.

Opiria mobile Application

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The authors of the project have already released the finished product to the market. We are talking about the app Opiria. You can download and install it on any mobile device (Apple and Android), create a profile and share the original information in the survey form. Companies will then be able to reach out to those users for further research.

In the “White paper” this application is dedicated to a lot of information, but in a nutshell it is worth nothing that Opiria already offers two different types of research: mobile survey and mobile diary. The first is performed for each user only once, and its results are available immediately after completion. Mobile diaries are designed to track customer activity and behavioral skills with a specific product or service.

Opiria operates with other data during the analysis, including the location of the client via GPS. This allows you to use the extended database. The authors of the project believe that this method is much faster than traditional approaches to market research. According to them, the platform already offers information that is 50 to 100 times faster than traditional methods and reduces the cost of research on consumer preferences by 95%.

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