Kik's 50 MILLION dollar ICO!!!

Hey guys so another interesting story line this week.

Kik the popular social media platform is releasing a new ICO on the Ethereum block chain September 12th at 9 am ET. For the people who haven't heard about the Kin ICO let me be the first to tell you it is receiving astronomical hype and for good reason. To start, Kik is supposedly throwing millions of dollars to back their new ICOs development and marketing. Most impressively, Kik seems to understand the emphasis on increasing coin value through a solid marketing campaign in an effort to increase recognition and market share(much like Ethereum). On the other hand, if we judge it's crypto tech I will say this they do promise to make a coin that is going to be utilized on a day to day consumer basis but in reality this is an ICO and we don't have enough information yet on it's technological advancements or pitfalls. But by all means don't let that dissuade you from participating in their token offering September 12th. This analysis is a rule of thumb with any ICO as it is too new to know any certainties in tech. Additionally, Kik along with it's marketing campaign has managed to garner 50 million in investment funds from investors. What this tells us is this ICO is already looking at a positive trend of capital and as more investors partake it should increase exponentially in value. This is intriguing because as most people know from an ICOs offering it is very likely to be incredibly volatile which could lead to massive gains at the onset for those looking for the short term gain. And frankly this is what we should be looking for in this. The hype tells us this currency is headed to rise and once that solid gain has been met we are going to sell safe and buy back again at an ICOs "flat-line" stage. What I'm simply making reference to is the trend that most ICOs experience being an initial bullish rise and then a bearish "crash to earth" correction which can leave some hot commodities undervalued( where you want to buy). To summarize, this is a huge monetary opportunity and the key here is getting in and out at the right time. Anyways guys register to participate in the coin offering before September 9th (3 days verification process) and trade as much as you can acquire this is a hot commodity.

Link to Kin offering


I read they will have 1 trillion coins in circulation. Thats a coin that will never see $1 anytime soon.

If thats true I don't doubt it. But still large potential for percentage gain in the short term at the ICO amid all of this hype. As a rule of thumb it doesn't matter what price it hits just the potential for percentage gain. Thanks for the comment that's interesting to note. :)

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