Is Crypto DEAD? - Qs 4 Crypto (DTube)

I saw a question on Quora recently: Is this the end of cryptocurrencies?, accompanied by a link to a quote from Ethereum founder, Vitalik Buderin saying "There isn’t an opportunity for yet another 1,000-times growth in anything in the space anymore." It's funny to think that, without the chance of 100,000% gains, it seems like anything interesting about crypto is over. Most people playing the stock market would be ecstatic with even a 100% gain.

The truth is, there are still many opportunities in crypto for speculators, developers and even creative types.

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I truely believe the biggest opportunities in every market are about to eventuate, post debt bubble pop in Australian and US markets and subsequent housing market collapse. People will sell off everything else first... in order to keep a roof over their heads... that would mean stock, crypto, precious metals... crash first, then real estate inevitably follows because of the inflated prices, and inability to refinance due to tighter lending restrictions imposed by the royal commission. Everything will be on sale, and new bubbles will form as the 'fear of missing out' takes over human behaviour again. People will rush back into bitcoin as they wont want to miss it a second time.
Human behaviour dictates everything... and is fairly predictable.
Love your work.

Thanks Dan. The housing market is definitely cooling down in Australia. I read that it's been going down 11 months in a row. Jeff Berwick @dollarvigilante expects a global financial crisis within the next two years. I do think that the next bull market in crypto will come before the next serious crash. Crypto seems to have bull runs quite frequently, and a lot of us have been expecting a crash for many years and it hasn't come. Time will tell.

I just like reading the hater comments. It's funny to me.

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