John McAfee recently Tweeted his recommendations for cryptocurrencies and included Verge with others like Monero and Zcash

John McAfee recently Tweeted his recommendations for cryptocurrencies and included Verge with others like Monero and Zcash, leading to a 100% rise in XVG's price.monero-zcash3.jpgIt appears that Verge currency is ready to take off and possibly join the big leagues after renowned entrepreneur and businessman John McAfee mentioned it in one of his recent Tweets, even going as far as to call it the “best buy”.Screenshot (5).pngMcAfee is a vocal advocate of cryptocurrencies and believes that privacy-centric coins, such as Monero, Zcash and Verge are going to go big in the future as governments scramble to get a grip on cryptocurrency transactions around the globe.

Getting mentioned in the same sentence as Monero and Zcash, and that too from someone like John McAfee, did wonders for Verge, which shot up from 55 Satoshi on December 13 to its current price of around 117 Satoshi.

McAfee’s recommendation even threw some people off, who may have thought he mentioned it accidentally, instead of other, more popular coins. However, he not only clarified that he was talking about XVG, he went on to call it the best buy.Screenshot (6).png Verge cryptocurrency may not be as well known as other privacy-centric coins, but it’s been supported by a very passionate community and their efforts, coupled with recent development progress have started to show results as Verge gains traction.

One of the biggest supporters of Verge is XVG Whale, and this October he actually took a trip to see John McAfee and shared his experience on Youtube. His discussion with McAfee about Verge may have also played a major part in getting the famous entrepreneur to recommend the coin.Screenshot (7).png Last month, however, Verge holders who used the CoinPouch wallet app, received bad news, as the wallet got hacked, and it is still unclear as to whether the users will be able to recover their coins, which at the time were worth 84.5 Bitcoin.


@cryptonewslife Privacy coins all the way, don't forget Pivx! I know people are speculating about Monero and Coinbase collab but doesnt Monero not meet the standards for Coinbase by design? Dash, Zec or Verge would be a better fit IMO.

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