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RE: Millennials and the Accredited Investor Definition - Entrepreneurship is Declining

I think you give millenials too much leeway, we're the product of a generation that didn't care about the future(baby boomers) and we've been lied to for the past 20-30 years about exactly what we need to do in life to be successful.

Not to mention we are the most spoiled generation in history, the first generation without living through a war that we might have to fight, the generation born after world war 2 and the first generation to be born into the age of abundance.

There are a LOT of things that are wrong at the moment with the last generation left the world for us, but i think you'll find that most millenials have almost no idea of how to manage even the most basic incomes or have a concept of delayed satisfaction, coupled with the fact that as far as I know i learned basically nothing about capitalism in school.

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