So now the European Central Bank wants regulations AND VAT on Bitcoin? Seriously/ Et maintenant de la TVA sur Bitcoin quoi!

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Now what the heck is this?

Yeah we already know they try to regulate the whole cryptocurrencies space, which was designed to not be regulated actually but anyway. So now they think there should be a VAT tax on it? That is so clever. I don't think anyone had thought about that before. So they don't believe in the tech, they say it's bad and no worth anything for global economic but well maybe we can finance our politics with it. I am not even mentionning how Bitcoin is just the tip of the iceberg. They would have nightmare if they saw how numerous and diverse the cryptocurrencies are.

I am so shocked and dumbfounded that I don't know what to write. As usual, they add that the underlying technology blockchain is very interesting. I failed to see how blockchains could be used in wide scale with some entity control and still be different than today model.
We are just going to make everything P2P anyway...

Vote for me as a witness: @cryptohazard

Il va falloir qu'ils se calment un peu à la BCE

On n'en a pas encore fini avec les allégations de bulle et chaine de Ponzi que la Banque centrale européenne nous ajoute d'autres problèmes. Quelle est cette brillante idée de vouloir imposer la TVA sur des transactions de cryptomonnaies?? Cela est tellement contradictoire que je ne sais quoi écrire. Soit ils disent: c'est génial les cryptomonnaies et on va taxer soit ils essayent d'interdire interdisent et basta.

Bref c'est déjà assez relou comme cela

Laissez-nous désintermédier tous nos échanges!!!


I'm not too worried. It took all our governments this long to find out about Bitcoin, it'll take them even longer to crack down on all cryptos :).

True but media attention is only on price so they will only look at the cryptocurrencies as bubbles and ways to make cash.

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