XYO Network – A Ground-Breaking Crypto-Location Platform

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

XYO is an innovated crypto-location platform that focuses mostly on proving the source of physical location signals. This project was initiated considering the problems that happen today. It is true that there have been many data location services that utilize GPS service to create a Proof of Location. Unfortunately, the system that they design still fail to detect the fraudulent signals. That is why XYO is present to address this critical problem. Using innovative components built on the latest blockchain tech, XYO Network will be able to build a secure protocol for verifying crypto location. This service can be used in various fields such as self-driving cars, insurance agency, e-commerce, and other sectors.

The Roadmap

Since 2012, XYO has been working on establishing an open global location verification. The company began the project by building a Bluetooth consumer business critical with the aim of getting some insights about a real-world location network. Since then, there have been more than 1 million beacons joining the network from all over the world. In 2013, XY launched Webble, an integrated network that offers better tools enabling merchants to do direct interactions with costumes. In this way, there will be no need of middle-man. In 2014, XY focused on developing Bluetooth tracker, followed by launching the Bluetooth location device a year after. During 2016 to 2017, the company continuously released new versions of their products. Finally, at the end of 2017, XYO Network was born.

The milestones didn’t stop there. Entering 2018, the company created the first XYO Token. The XYO tokens will later be used by users to access the network. At the moment, XYO sale is live. After the sale, XY will perform XY Testnet. In the third and fourth quarter of 2018, there will be three main plans. The first one will be the launch of XY Oracle Main Network followed by the API integration for Smart Contracts, and the release of XY Sticker-Based Trackers.

In 2019, the plan will be to develop the global network further to reach a larger scale of business. It is hoped that starting from 2020, the entire XYO Network can be expanded globally.

The Team behind the Project

The company was founded by Arie Trouw. He is known as an architect as well as a successful entrepreneur on software development. Since he was a child, he has started developing his own TRS-80 Model. Then, he implemented the model on Apple, PC, and Atari. He has involved in many successful projects and held the important position in technology companies such as being the CEO, CFO, COO, and the leader of the Board of Directors. From his experience, it can be seen that not only is he excellent in the technology field, he also has leadership skills, financial knowledge, and business operations knowledge.

In leading the team and managing the project, he is helped by two co-founders. The first one is Markus Levin who also holds the position of the Head of Operations. Since 2013, he has become a crypto and blockchain enthusiast. He has more than 15 years of experiences in managing companies all over the world. His speciality is in using a data-driven system. The second co-founder is Scott Scheper. He is the Head of Marketing. Since 2009, he had devoted his carrier in corporate life but he stopped in 2013 and worked remotely to develop his own advertising agency that was built using algorithms. The agency itself has generated more than 10 million USD in revenue.

They lead a team consisting of directors, managers, and supervisors. These team members have their own distinct expertise such as in accounting, hardware, warehouse logistics, design, business analysis, customer service, and retail management. With different background, they work together to achieve the company’s goal.

XYO Token Sale Timeline

A great plan and an awesome team are still not enough to build a successful project. It needs sufficient resources to fuel the project. One of the ways to get resources is from ICO sales. So, it is quite obvious that XYO Network will rely a lot on the XYO token. The token is an ERC20 token that is compatible with any blockchain wallets. The token sale period of XYO has already started on 20 March 2018. The sale will last for two months. The closing date will be on 20 May 2018.

The allocation of the resources generated from the sale will be discussed in the next review. It will also explain the primary components of XYO Network and how these components work.



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