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RE: WHAT'S YOUR VIEW ON BOTS? Promotion tool or necessary evil? Let me share my personal view.

my point is, that most people will upvote those posts, that will probably bring them some reward in the future.

Each one of us is following loads of poeple but we can only upvote 10times a day. So we will select carefully our upvotes. And knowing that upvoting particular individual would bring some solid reward, most users will most likely choose to upvote his posts. That's just the way it is.

So I found it important to make sure that your posts bring some decent rewards. Otherwise I would risk losing some of my valuable curators.

There is very "real loyal followers". Im involved in social media marketing for over 2 years now and I've learned that most followers need to be rewarded for their time. One way or the other - authors need to find a way to reward their active followers. Otherwise they will lost most of them. That's the reality.

Thx for your comment :)


Then they can use the other way to reward the loyal followers like upvote their comments!
Or go to their page to read and comment and upvote in return.

I believe the real loyal relationship will last forever than those just to curate for rewards.

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