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RE: WHAT'S YOUR VIEW ON BOTS? Promotion tool or necessary evil? Let me share my personal view.

Wow. your reply blew my mind. thx buddy. i appreciate your time and effort.

I can tell that you have already your strong opinion about this topic. And reasonable one.

I think bots simply level the playing field a little


Like, improving the usability and other options

this is indeed one of serious issiues, that should be addressed asap.

Bots are not the exciting thing about Steem or Steemit.

for many people this is very intensive topic :)

What things do you find frustrating when you use Steemit?

complete lack of communication tools between steemit users is the most frustrating.
Would you agree?



no probs @crypto.piotr . re: communications tools: I just signed up for which looks ok. also is interesting tool, where you can schedule posts and follow curation trails.

Thank you again @ade-greenwise for your amazing comment from the other day


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