
Shame there's nothing like that here in my city

We also need. more men in crypto. the man was quite attractive. Good videos.
I have to go to one of these events. Thanks for sharing. please vote me and follow me. this is my @sofyandavd

Them look like some real bad boys. You wouldnt want to mess with them. is the #1 Cryptocurrency Exchange!

we need more women in crypto. those women were quite attractive!


Campeones ;)

I hope one day i could tgo to USA and go to that events

No sleep, just steem! Nice video, I gotta make it out to one of these events. Thanks for sharing @crypt0

Nice post........upvoted

got crypto? yeah man were all makin money like our dot com 90s predecessors

Damn the lambos gotta be visible yeah gotta show off the wealth gotta procve its tangible! we gotta shpow people that there are jobs and opportunities for anyone wanting to jump into this space and how early it all still is and how the current gains are all just very small compared to how swole or walltys are about to get XD

Man ity feels so good to be rich, its not just some thing you can brush aside and a lot of people who do have money forget the parties people are going to have when they suddenly turn like $10,000 that they saved up through hard work at their day job, and they end up with like $200,000 that's going to be some people's first real little mini fortune, and then just imagine when some people turn $10k into $500,000 it will be too much for some people theyll go out and travel the world., and the people who just wait the ;longest will get to buy mansions and have the millions, we all need to be working hard saving and investing and i think if we ALL worked on financial discipline we could AL start spending less on even food we dont need, and buying bare minimums acting more frugal and just saving every biut of steempower we get, never sell it! never power down!

Nice to take a look into this events. Thanks for sharing Omar. Also love to see more women in the space.

More attractive women in crypto?

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