Best part of the World Blockchain Forum- Brock Pierce!
When he invests in something, you should never overlook it. When he talks, he inspires. When he takes the stage, he reminds us about the big picture beyond money.
The man. The myth. The legend of Brock Pierce.
You have really low standards
Great message
Thanks for capturing this divine message brother. I was unfamiliar with Brock, but now I am determined to learn more about his work. It's awesome to see fellow burners working on BlockChain technology. It will be a merging of blockchain technology and the counter-culture movements that really take us to the next level as a society. Hopefully next year my crypto will have appreciated to the point that I can travel to some of these conferences and start connecting with all of these amazing souls who will be changing the future.
He is the first person I've heard publicly mention that the EOS symbol is a chestahedron. I study sacred geometry and this jumped out to me when they first announced the project. People can FUD all they want about EOS, but I've learned to follow symbols & ideas more than gossip. I find it quite amusing that so much negativity is said about both Dan Larimer and Roger Ver. They are both self proclaimed volunaryists and that's the future I want as well.
Beautiful message. This is the reason I'm all into crypto. Changing the world, making it a better place...vanishing the concept of money. Thanks for sharing Omar!
I got a 1/3rd of EOS
Very inspiring speech, money is not everything.
Thanks for sharing this video
Very useful message delivered. Crypto is changing the world.
Very good video, thank you very much
I didn't really get what his wedding got to do with blockchain? Decentralized wedding? :)))
Thanks for sharing!