Confirmed list of Scam coins

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Below you’ll find some confirmed scam coins. Please stay as far away as possible from them. I will update this document from time to time with the information received from the crypto community.

scam image

CoinIdentifierScam typeReference
Alexander iii magnusA3MPonzi scheme
AmbisAMBISPonzi scheme
BCC CashBCCHPonzi scheme
B2x segwitB2xPonzi scheme
B3B3Pyramid scheme
Bitcoin DiamondBCDPonzi scheme
BCHconnectBHCHPonzi scheme
BigBoobsCoinBBCPonzi scheme
Billion Bit ClubBBCLUBPonzi scheme
Binary CoinBRCPonzi scheme
BitAIBITAIPonzi scheme
BitchampsBCSPonzi scheme
Bitclub/clubcoinPonzi scheme
BitcoinlyPonzi scheme
BitconnectBCCPonzi scheme
Bitconnect XBCCXPonzi scheme
Bitconnect.Ponzi scheme
BitetherBTRPonzi scheme
BitfiniteBFCPonzi scheme
BitfintechBFIPonzi scheme
Bitglare CoinBGCPonzi scheme
BithaulPonzi scheme
BitlakePonzi scheme
BitpetitePonzi scheme
BitsequencePonzi sceme
BrazilBRAPonzi scheme
BridgecoinBCOPonzi scheme
BsdbmoneyBSDBPonzi scheme
BtcwaitPonzi scheme
BykorPyramid scheme
CaninetCANPonzi scheme
Chain.GroupPonzi scheme
ChrysosPonzi scheme
CoinreumPonzi scheme
CoinriumPonzi scheme
CoinspacePonzi scheme
CointeumPonzi scheme
ColossuscoinxtCOLXPonzi scheme
Control FinancePonzi scheme
CryptodoublePonzi scheme
DarkmatterDMXPonzi scheme
DascoinPonzi scheme
DavorPonzi scheme
DfscoinDFSPonzi scheme
EcomcashPonzi scheme
EdgarcoinEDGARPonzi scheme
EigencoinPonzi scheme
EKOPonzi scheme
EprcoinEPRPonzi scheme
ETHconnectPonzi scheme
EthereumdarkETHDPonzi scheme
EtherbankingPonzi scheme
EthtradePonzi scheme
EvimeriaPonzi scheme
ExacoinPonzi scheme
Falcon CoinPonzi scheme
FarstcoinPonzi scheme
FicoinPonzi scheme
FirstcoinPonzi scheme
ForzacoinPonzi scheme
FUNKPonzi scheme
FuturecoinPonzi scheme
FUU CoinPonzi scheme
GiantbirdGNBPonzi scheme
GokucoinGOKUPonzi scheme
Gold Reward TokenPonzi scheme
GoldgatePonzi scheme
GRAMPonzi scheme
GSRPonzi scheme
HashcardHSHCPyramid scheme
HedgeconnectPonzi scheme
HextracoinPonzi scheme
Home Block CoinPonzi scheme
HotCryptoPonzi scheme
HydrocoinPonzi scheme
IbiscoinPonzi scheme
iCenterPonzi scheme
IdeacoinPonzi scheme
iFanPonzi scheme
IotaconnectPonzi scheme
Knox CoinPonzi scheme
Laser OnlinePonzi scheme
LegendcoinPonzi scheme
LendconnectPonzi scheme
LenderaPonzi scheme
LENINPonzi scheme
Libra CoinvPonzi scheme
LightpayLPCPonzi scheme
LiteconnectPonzi scheme
lIZAPonzi scheme
LoancoinPonzi scheme
LoopXPonzi scheme
LUNAPonzi scheme
MartcoinPonzi scheme
MavroPonzi scheme
MecoinPonzi scheme
MetizerPonzi scheme
MicrohashPonzi scheme
MoneroconnectXMRCPonzi scheme
Monetize CoinPonzi scheme
MonyxPonzi scheme
NelsonmandelaNelsonPonzi scheme
NeoconnectPonzi scheme
NumivPonzi scheme
Oalend CoinPonzi scheme
OnecoinPonzi scheme
OrientalPonzi scheme
PACPonzi scheme
PagarexPonzi scheme
PaycoinPonzi scheme
PeepCoinPCNPyramidal scheme
Phone-portingPonzi scheme
PlaywincoinPWCPonzi scheme
PlexcoinPonzi scheme
PoSPOSPonzi scheme
Purpose/DUBIPonzi scheme
PUTINPUTINPonzi scheme
RegalcoinPonzi scheme
RISERISEPonzi scheme
RothscoinPonzi scheme
Secular CoinPonzi scheme
SFICoinPonzi scheme
SimcoinSIMPonzi scheme
SkullEvolutionSK21Ponzi scheme
STALINPonzi scheme
SteneumPonzi scheme
StepiumPyramid scheme
SwisscoinPyramid scheme
TenocoinPonzi scheme
TEX CoinPonzi scheme
Thorn CoinPonzi scheme
ThunderbitPonzi scheme
TrezarcoinTZCPonzi scheme
TRONTRONPonzi scheme
Ucoin CashUCHPonzi scheme
Unix CoinUNXPonzi scheme
USI TechPonzi scheme
VegacoinVEGAPonzi scheme
VixicePonzi scheme
VKVKCPonzi scheme
VolkswagenVOLKSPonzi scheme
VoneVONEPonzi scheme
VsyncVSXPonzi scheme
WCIWCIPonzi scheme
Western CoinWNCPonzi scheme
XeonFrameXFTPyramid scheme
XRPconnectXRPconnectPonzi scheme

@criptok, I gave you an upvote on your post! Please give me a follow and I will give you a follow in return and possible future votes!

Thank you in advance!

colx....are you serious ? thats a joke....

Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📉 24h📈 7d
BCDBitcoin Diamond1.902$-6.72%-5.04%
BTGBitcoin Gold29.393$3.29%16.65%

Confirmed by .....?? Can you please link to the sources which confirm that these coins are "scam" coins. Am I to take your word for it?

Also what is your definition of "scam"?

I will, do not worry. I am still updating the table. Regarding my definition, it is the same than Google provides: "a dishonest scheme; a fraud."

That's great, I'm looking forward to reading them.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64689.90
ETH 3450.92
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50