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RE: Cryptocurrencies are Science Fiction!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Vernor Vinge pretty much nailed virtual reality and crypto anarchy in his amazing novella "True Names." When I first read it in the early 1980's I dismissed it as nonsense, just a fun story. Every year, it has become more true.

Robert Heinlein invented many things in his science fiction long before they existed - most notably coming to mind is CAD - Computer Aided Design. In "Door Into Summer," the protagonist uses a computer-driven drafting board...

I highly recommend both books...


I'll have to check those out... I already have a tall stack of "to read" books by my bedside-- can always add a few more. I really do think many sci-fi writers have some sort of plugin to the "Interstellar ESP Channel" or something... they visualize these amazing things, and next thing you know, some scientists and engineers are turning it into reality.

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