GPU mining is slave labor, and HDD mining Burstcoin is true freedomsteemCreated with Sketch.

Bitcoin --- 1BqSZSGTFjjv5JukVFVj36dPQH7AYM9D5x

Burstcoin --- BURST-KD6U-4JZK-AXDZ-77F3M

Burstcoin charts @

BURST is a computer based platform capable of much more than any current system, it is a financial platform, it is a sales platform, it is a stock market, it is the future of the way we will view money. It is a Bitcoin 2.0 platform, meaning it is like bitcoin in base ways, but vastly improved over bitcoin, and has a lot more to offer.

The interface is nicer, the system itself is more secure and the way it is minted, or ‘mined’ is future proof, taking a fraction of the power of Bitcoin mining, but that’s not all, because of the way the mining works, it is naturally able to stay more decentralized, and won’t get to the point Bitcoin is today with basically 4 large companies running the vast majority of the network.

This is the way crypto currencies, including Bitcoin, were supposed to be by design, but because of the growth of specialized and expensive mining hardware for the Bitcoin algorithm, it has moved away from its original goals, and is now much more centralized than the creator had wanted it to be.

BURST will never be this way, due to the fact it can be mined on normal every day computer hardware that everyone has, and everyone has the free space on their devices that is necessary to mine BURST right now, without making any purchases at all.

source @

VIDEO : Burstcoin Mining With 50TB of External Hard Drives.


I did GPU mining for years, frying panels, whole rooms dedicated to miners... Retired now - totally worth it.

WOW. I want to do something like that . let me give you quick summary. If i manage to get a contract of 0.03-0.05 per kw, do you think running a mining farm of lets say 200 gpus could be a profitable thing in the future. just give anything, your thoughts. thanks

When I started I was making 2 btc per day. When I stopped I had 16 GPU's and 2 ASIC's and I wasn't even making .01btc per week.
That was years ago. I am not sure what you would make in btc if you were to mine it. Better, another coin then convert.

What a coincidence! I just wrote a post about burstcoin too!

Profiting in the 'Ghetto' mining of Burstcoin!

Free Hardware - for the Project of "Loose Change"

Looks very interesting!

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

This is exactly why I wanted you on the 3urst squad as you always delve into things deeply! While I'm still trying to get a firm grip on this crypto, I need other ppl such as yourself who delve deep into finding other things I won't or will take longer to find ;) I never looked into the richlist, nice!
And again, I learned how to trade the forex market for this specific reason! I knew whatever money that was made from crypto would be flipped on the forex market and half placed back into crypto ;)
Last week I turned my $13 NiceHash payment into over a $100 so, Gpu/Cpu-Mining is Profitable ;) Remember, it's about what you do with the mining payouts rather than the ROi ;)
And I thought you already had one btc converted into Burst, apparently not but the way you plan on doing so by flipping other coins is great instead of putting the whole bitcoin in there until you gain even more confidence ;)

currently buying burst at .02 btc per trade, to help support the buy orders over a long period of time

Thank you for your support! I am just testing the waters using 1,000 Burst a trade. I just got out of a trade earlier this morning(Pacific) with a 64Burst profit. Small now but is fun. I will trade bigger sizes soon enough! So three in a row for me yea!!!
Keep gaining that knowledge ;)


@craig-grant I made a little video explaining Burst....Check it out on @britvr....but new video below from Crowetic (Co-Developer) just upload about new update to wallet and first in History to have decentralized exchange from wallet to wallet!!!!!!

Thanks for the interesting post! Like that Burst idea, any idea how much you earn per TH per day?

not Terahash, it's terabytes, you can use the calculator @

sorry my bad, I meant terabytes. thanks

I love mining posts, thank you!
I mined burstcoin in 2015 for a few months with 6TB.
Is there a ROI investing in hard drives and electricty to mine burstcoin these days?

the ROI is only possible if the value of burstcoin goes up at least 20x

Thank you for being candid.
As a miner & trader I very much enjoy your mining posts.

Thanks for the post! I'm looking into it right now. Looks awesome so far.

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