The time has come! The Community pre-sale starts in less than 24 hours!

Thank you to all our community members who completed the whitelist verification process. From 8,525 total registrations, almost half have been whitelisted to date.

As COTI has been established to be the payments network of the future, our user verification process was quite vigorous. The final number of participants in the limited community pre-sale reached 4,137 members who will have the opportunity to be involved in the early stages of COTI and to secure the best rates on COTI tokens.

As per the high demand on the private sale, the community pre-sale was capped at $3,000,000. Because we'd like to extend an equal participation opportunity for all our community members, we have set a maximum contribution cap of 1.5 ETH per person for the first 24 hours of the community pre-sale. Afterward, second round contributions will be open with a maximum individual contribution cap of 50 ETH or the equivalent in BTC.

Contributions will close as soon as we reach the cap, so don't miss your chance! Visit COTI's website

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62938.05
ETH 2552.06
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.63