What is Your Biggest Crypto Regret?

in #cryptocurrency5 years ago

Actifit Tracking Day 53.PNG

Hi Friends,

Anyone who has been in the crypto space for even a small period of time will usually have their own share of war stories. I'm curious to hear what is your biggest crypto regret when it comes to either buying or selling at the wrong time?

For me... it was buying Bitshares at $.50 (currently at $.03) right at the height of the 17 run. I still have love in my heart for that decentralized exchange and think the offer a great service... but I'm sure hoping the price improves in the next alt season. No offense Steem... but selling some SBD when it ran higher than $15 would have been nice too. 😅😂

I posed this question on Twitter yesterday and got some interesting responses... and so I thought it would be fun to continue the conversation here on Steem!

When you are hodling for the long run... these crypto regrets tend to even out over time - but they can still hurt!

So what is your worst war story when it comes to buying or selling at the wrong time?

XO, Lea


I moved from BTC into STEEM about a month early. If I'd held off a little longer I'd have twice as much STEEM now. Hashrate Death Spiral FUD got me.

Rough!! It's always hard to look back and realize how much more coin you could have gotten. I'm kicking myself for not buying more $3500-5000 BTC... but what can ya do?

Biggest regret was texting all my friends to buy bitcoin when it was somewhere between $40 - $120 and not following my own advice. fk! lol

Oooh that hurts!! 😅

Probably mining Expanse instead of Ethereum, turned out to be a shit coin, lol. Another was buying IOTA - one day that fucking stuff had just disappeared from my wallet, because of... reasons, I still don't know. In Reddit they shill the advantageous technology of tangle, but if I can't trust my stuff staying in the wallet, then what the hell? 🤷‍♀️
At least it wasn't too much money.

Another slight regret was buying Steem at $5, however, that mistake I'm going to make up for soon and buy when the price is actually low. loading the bullet

Posted using Partiko Android

If I can't trust my stuff staying in the wallet, then what the hell? 🤷‍♀️

Yikes!! That’s totally a big deal. 😬

Here’s to hoping that your Steem investment pays off! If we hit five dollars again, we are all going to be partying! 🍻

Speaking of that, are you going to Bangkok? I’m in need of a dried fruit supplier for the trip. 😂

@celestal will never escape his dried fruit reputation! 😁

@driedfruit will follow me forever.

Speaking of that, are you going to Bangkok? I’m in need of a dried fruit supplier for the trip. 😂

Yup, have my plane tickets purchased already. You'll get some if I manage to smuggle my fruit through the security at the airport, lol!

Posted using Partiko Android

I’ve always been suspicious of IOTA.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Not joining Steem in 2017 when I heard about it. I missed the ATH craze o.O

aww yeah those were the days... it was so fun on here! Everything was buzzing and there were so many people. I miss those days and hope we get back there!

My fail was jumping on the Pillar bandwagon at 1.30 or so...dumb dumb dumb...

Posted using Partiko Android

Hindsight is always hard! 😅

Yes, but Pillar? Unbelievably bad pick!

Posted using Partiko Android

If the dog hadn't stopped to poop in the woods, it would have caught the rabbit.

Meaning: I will not have regrets for decisions made where the future outcome was completely unknown.

Love that!! It's all just learning moments.

My biggest regret will be not buying more steem this week 😂😅

Posted using Partiko iOS

Me too! I’m pretty sure I’m making my biggest mistake right this very minute.


Posted using Partiko iOS

Back in the days, when Bitcoin was really cheap, I did not buy it because I did not have online banking and I was too lazy to go to my bank to make a transfer. That was a really big mistake. Follow and Upvote!

Signing up for steam it? Haha just kidding

Posted using Partiko Android

Mine would have to be leaving crypto on an exchange that was hacked and I lost a about $2500

It was a local exchange here in South Africa called coindirect they had a a bug with their 2FA and the hacker got access to my account and emptied me out

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STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
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BTC 62487.83
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SBD 2.46