Holding your cash out plans for sometime later? Put your plans on HOLD, you paid into a ponzi scheme, eh?

The social media platform powered by an altcoin has been making tsunamis as of late. Not only have there been record numbers of signups, but the content has also been incentivized to be of higher quality.

See also: Lisk Added to Shapeshift.io

Direct from CEO Ned Scott on addressing the recent attack:

Steemit was today subjected to a cyber attack. In the attack, fewer than 260 accounts were compromised, and less than $85,000 worth of Steem Dollars and Steem may have been stolen.

While patching the vulnerability Steemit was locked in as a read-only site, allowing content views but not voted on, new content was unable to be submitted. Since occurring, the Ned stated that the theft was reported to the police and “Other cyber crime authorities including the FBI,” it’s also possible he is referring to the FTC.

SELL ORDER? Seriously, huge volumes of ethereum selling going on.

The whole steemit system is bogus. If you disagree, let the naysayers show me wrong
BY HITTING THE UPVOTE AND REPLY buttons, it only takes a second....


Are you posting a contrarian view just to strike up discussion which = more money for you?

"The whole steemit system is bogus" yet you want us to help you, "BY HITTING THE UPVOTE AND REPLY buttons"

The 10% ETH price increase so far today proves your claim of serious selling false.

Is this a joke?

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 62755.94
ETH 2446.28
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66