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RE: [Cryptocurrency] Why should I pay taxes for mining cryptocurrency ? (My thoughts)

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

No one likes paying taxes, but they are the basis of civilisation. Cryptocurrency is just a form of wealth, we pay taxes on earnings, gains, and sometimes just on transactions. Really, mining cryptocurrency is no different in wealth building than any other form of mining. Though, taxabilty suggests that your expense of production, electricity and your hardware ought to be tax deductible.

ColdMonkey mines Gridcoin through BOINC computations for science...


Taxes are not the basis of civilization. Taxation is theft, with the government extorting the productive population to transfer wealth to the politically-connected. Government is a parasite on civilization. Every government "service" is a monopoly with all the waste and abuse inherent in any monopoly compounded by the economic calculation problem of central planning. In fact, government is the only way any other would-be monopoly can remain in business by seeking subsidies and protections from market competition.

Cryptocurrencies are one of the most revolutionary ideas in history precisely because they offer the opportunity to expand the gray market of otherwise-legal transactions out from under the control of government so the productive economy can retain its full value without the parasitic drain of The State.

Without taxes roads to not get built, and no you cannot rely on the free market or individual generosity to provide for the education of the poor, nor for the provision of law.

The free market built roads long before the government monopolized them, including an interstate highway network and many bridges including the Bridge if the Gods on the Columbia River. People voluntarily bamded together to provide schools long before the government monopolized education, and created generations of people with superb educations without property taxes or other forms of extortion. Government courts do not produce justice now. All of your arguments are bad excuses for abuse, not justifications for civilization.

Roadways do not get planned built or maintained on any great scale without some form of central authority to organise it. Financing may be raised, but only under the financial guarantee of a central authority. A society simply cannot exist without some form of central authority raising a non-voluntary contribution from every citizen to undertake public work projects, or to finance local and territorial security.

Is administration necessary in a large project? Yes. But this does not mean that taxation, eminent domain, and government monopolization are necessary, or that many organizations cannot cooperate to achieve larger projects. Again, history disproves your assertion. You commented on my article, but obviously neglected the part where I mentioned specific instances where private organizations built a major bridge project and a transcontinental highway network.

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