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RE: Ripple = Illuminati [Confirmed]

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Doesn't anyone at all suspect that Bitcoin was their idea to begin with? I mean they want a one world currency, and even outline this idea in Agenda 21 in the section about a 'cashless society' where they talk about the world having a digital currency, one year before Bitcoin appeared out of nowhere with an anonymous creator...
Don't you think that maybe they just sold us this revolutionary new currency which threatens the banks and is an enemy to the establishment, so the very people with awakened minds who would oppose their new world order are actually the first to embrace it?
And thus all the anti-establishment rebellious types are paid off with fat rewards from their Btc holdings so they won't kick up a fuss in the future because they will all be rich.
Quite clever really if you think about it...


The problem for them if they made Bitcoin is that it has spawned 100's of other crypto currencies which they don't control.

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JST 0.029
BTC 57112.10
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USDT 1.00
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