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RE: What happened to 2018 being "the year of the crypto"?

Mmmm...what I have in mind here has alas absolutely nothing to do with speculative investment.

Speculating with anything is about gaining wealth for yourself in a do or die survival of the fittest society. It is a society where combative greed rules the waves. It has nothing to do with doing your bit productively adding to the wellbeing and quality of life of the community at large. What you gain speculating is always a loss for someone else - profit that you take not by producing anything useful, but by 'lawfully' just taking money that someone else risked to invest in whatever you are selling. It is a form of opportunistic gambling that does not add anything real to the economy. It causes bubble in apparent value, that can burst. It is a cause of inflation.

Producers of real goods, like bread you can eat, or real services, like teaching you something or building roads or pulling up weeds, are the only folks that add real wealth to the economy.

But please don't get me wrong. I am not criticizing you - speculation has become such a dominant part of modern economies that you have to take part in order to survive. Which is why I speculate too. But that does not make speculation a good thing. Not at all. The only real effect that speculation has is that it distorts the economy. It makes the rich richer and the poor poorer for no good reason at all.

And I am not saying that anybody has to work either. As far as I am concerned robots can do all the work that has to be done.

Why are some rich and some poor? Two reasons: some earn more by producing more an some grab more than others do. And the wealthier you are, the easier it is to grab more profit - a fact of life, especially in an economy where speculation plays a major role. It may be fair to have more because you contribute more goods and services - you really earn that wealth. But is it fair to become wealthier just because you have more money to speculate with? I seriously doubt it.

The system I have in mind is one in which has enough purchasing power to survive with on an ongoing basis. That takes the fear of not surviving out of the equation. That makes it unnecessary for anyone to steal in order to survive. It is a system that is fair toward the disabled and those too old to be productive anymore. It sponsors the young to study instead having to beg and borrow in order to do so. And it gives breathing space for those that can be productive and so earn more, to rise above the level of merely surviving.

And because it is a decentralized system, automatically giving everyone the necessary purchasing power to survive with (like getting fresh air and water and the fruits of nature for free) it also gives everybody the freedom to do whatever they want to. If you are a fisherman, you can fish for a profit; if you love polishing shoes, you can polish shoes for a profit; if you are a surfer not interested in earning wealth, you can surf your days away. It is a free market system in which you can be truly free - no debts, no taxes, no fear of dying of hunger, no government telling you what to do and what not. What more do you want?

Ok, this sounds utopian - and knowing the establishment is very well embedded, especially in first word countries and it is not easy to break old perceptions and old beliefs and old habits and old fears, a system like this may not take off all that easy. But in third world countries where half the able people simply don't have paid incomes sufficient to survive on, something like this may take off like wild fire.

But it is also true that even in the USA there are large parts of the population where both parents have to earn salaries in order to survive. And I dare say a system like this may just make it possible for mom to stay at home and raise her kids again, which will be a huge benefit in itself.

Forgive me for taking off on a rant in this reply to you - nothing personal...just saying what comes to mind!

Have a nice day Coach!


How do i learn more about this crypto?

Thanks for reading @coachjoachim - for personal reasons I have not been very active over the last number of months, but I have placed a number of posts introducing the basics of it in my blog.

If you have the time to look at these too, I have also put in quite a lot of effort into explaining points in my replies to comments on the subject.

It is not an easy subject and my objective is not to make money promoting it. The motive is to provide a workable marketplace that will help placing fair fulfillment of everybody's needs within reach of everyone, irrespective of how the cards of fate have been dealt to you.

Hope you enjoy learning more about this ideal!

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