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RE: Why I am a Dash enthusiast (Part II)

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

How do you think BitShares' DPOS consensus model compares to Dash? From what I understand, Dash like BitShares realized to add a an extra trusted layer to scale and do self-funding. Both the Dash and BitShares projects are fairly unique in actively implementing this realization, but it'd be interesting to understand the difference.


Bitshares is different because it essentially has protocol layers that provide their services on top of the blockchain. So Masternodes can essentially run multiple different services that plug into the entire network. Now whether or not that can be done today---not sure. But I will say that Dash is one of the other cryptos I like and I think it would be amazing to put together a conversation between Larimer and Evan.

Can you tell me a little more about the BitShares DPOS consensus model and than Ill be able to give you a better idea of the comparison between the two. But lets put it this way, so far Dash has funded numerous budget proposals, such as sending lead developers on trips to conferences around the world to give speeches (bitcoin miami recently and d10e coming up in July). Dash funded the purchase of the domain for 20k straight from the blockchain. Dash funded a budget to integrate Dash into lamassu atms. There are numerous examples of how this system is working. How far along is BitShares? Have they approved any budget funds for anything?

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