Future of Steemit With Cryptos

Investing in crypto-currencies is Fastest growing fashion of new era, But this is not easy to invest. Mean we need a large amount to invest. But steemit.com solve our this problem.

Hi Gays this is me Ali Bin Saeed. Welcome to blog.

Toady we are talking about the steemit.com.

As we know well steemit.com is very fastest growing Social media network like blogger or other Article sites. We also know that steemit rewarded us in the form of cryptocurrencies
8 months ago in an article@vegansilverstack about steem.it active users account .In this article he/she said that there is 171,515 total number of active accounts.this is amount 8 months ago.

This is amount 8 months ago. Doyou know how many active accounts now a day?
There are 334.25k active account.This is the freshly update you can even cheak it just click on link:https://steem.io

Mean in 8 months 163k users are increased on this plateform
163K is the very large amount of users. If this speed of growing is regular then in coming months the traffic on this website is become equal to blogger.com or wordpress. or other sites which paid rewards in change of articals. In this site if account making is easy like facebook or google the traffic source become three times greater then now a day. Mean this site is taking time period to approve your account . This time period is between two to seven days. As compare to other websites the account is approve quickly like in facebook, Google, Yahoo you just simple signup and enjoy.

Future of Steemit.com

Future of steemit.com is that if the traffic source is increase same like this time then the SBD crypto is become nearly equal or equal to the BTC or Eithernet on coming few years. Few reasons is that steemit.com also support third-party sites. Dtube is the biggest example of that. Dtube is same like youtube , but without ads. As this sites does not contain their official account they use Steemit account for login or signup purposes. So the earning from these sites is also added to Steemit.com earning.
So keep it up because this platform Become more amazing and crazy in coming times

We have developed a rich platform on Discord for growing growth in steemit.com where we are set to build a passionate community (family) where every healthy post (content) receives maximum appreciation and reward.
Lets Grow Together
Do you want to join then click here

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 58157.69
ETH 3122.82
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.42