The Chronicles of the Modern Man! #5 - Have we lost our Humanity?

The Chronicles of the Modern Man!

Hello everyone!

Welcome to this new article of my Blog 'The Chronicles of the Modern Man'

We have to face the global situation that worries us every day, we do not know where it will lead us, but one thing is certain:

  • The world before is gone, and we will never be able to go back to it.

We need to focus on the future.

In spite of these difficult times, the World has not stopped running, and it is sad to have to come to this conclusion: Why do people communicate less and less?!

Since the Dawn of Humanity and until its Twilight, Man (when I mention the word "Man" I am talking about man and woman) will always be able to enjoy the law that is inherent to him! This right is none other than the Word! Which can be declined by various means:

  • Talk
  • Write
  • Playing music ...

As far as we are concerned, when we see the poor quality of the comments that are posted on sites such as

We are entitled to ask ourselves: Where are we going?

Since the beginning of time, Man has been communicating, be it for:

  • To be heard
  • Holding a conversation
  • Educating his children
  • Give your opinion (An opinion is only of value if it is justified)
  • Sharing knowledge, travel stories, personal experiences
  • Managing a team or running a business
  • Political ambitions
  • Seducing a person ...

Communication comes in various forms:

  • Sweet Poetry
  • Sharp criticism
  • Information sharing
  • Words of Wisdom
  • Humor ...

Have we become a civilization where individualism has prevailed over altruism?

We all have an opinion, regardless of our Social Status, Religious Beliefs, Sexual Orientation, Life Course ...

On the sites I mentioned above, you will find an endless directory of Knowledge, Cultures, Analyses, Presentations of projects/products ...

In all these publications there is a real work of research, a work of reflection, to bring you clear and detailed information. So why not be grateful for this work that has been offered to you?

And let me remind you that it is thanks to this work provided by Thousands of Anonymous that you too can earn some Cryptocurrencies, do you know another way to earn Cryptos (and de facto real money) easily ?

Then why not be grateful for this opportunity?

Whether you don't leave a comment is one thing, but whether you leave a comment that can be summed up in a character like: ".", or words that are "ok", "cool", "great", "thanks", etc ... How do you think the author feels when seeing such comments?

  • Is his work completed?
  • Has he done enough research?
  • Has it sparked your interest?
  • Should he improve? or Give up? ...

Or are you just doing this for the daily reward, without caring about those who are JUST allowing you to earn that reward?

Has individualism and lack of communication caused us to lose our Humanity?

Have we really decided to sacrifice our Humanity for any reason?

Imagine this situation: You live in a world with no words, no music, and no noise, everyone is speechless and deaf, and the only senses we have left are: sight, touch, taste and smell. Do you think that 'this world' will allow you to blossom? What would your relationships be like, whether friendly, sentimental, family or professional? I think that this world (at least for me) would be a real nightmare.- Because the only way to escape from everyday life would be to read books, newspapers, subtitled films, music scores (without being able to experience the melody and emotion transmitted) - Because nobody will share anything with anybody anymore.

The world of Cryptocurrencies welcomes you, whatever your origin in the world, it is a universe in perpetual effervescence, in constant evolution, an almost infinite manna of information and news, populated by passionate people! Ready to help you, support you, accompany you, advise you, help you discover great opportunities and adventures ...

It is up to you to keep this frenzy going.If you don't want to get involved, no one obliges you, but have the politeness to respect the author's work, by bringing him a message of support, or a message of criticism (because YES you can not agree with everyone), these small actions are infinitely more constructive than just a "." or an "ok". Don't you think so?

Thank you all for accompanying me to the last line, feel free to comment your feelings about what I said, I am open to dialogue and criticism.

Take care of yourself, keep yourself informed.

Thank you for reading this fifth article of The Chronicles of the Modern Man. #TCMM

See you soon

Christophe WILHELM

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