Eco Smart, an investment within everyone's reach

in #cryptocurrency4 years ago (edited)

Eco Smart

When do you think is the best time to invest in Cryptocurrencies?

Ten years ago? Two years ago? Yesterday? Today? Tomorrow?

Everything that happened before yesterday is too late, everything that will happen from tomorrow is still unknown! So the best time to invest in Cryptos is today!

When I say 'Today' I don't mean Sunday May 24th, but the day when you discover an investment opportunity that might interest you.

When that day arrives, we too often get into the habit of putting the link aside, bookmarking it, or writing it down on a piece of paper, because we don't take the time to find out more, and later, when we come back to that opportunity, we discover with dread that it's too late to take advantage of it. That's what 'today' means when I talk about investing in the world of Cryptocurrencies.

It is also interesting to note that in the world of cryptos, we don't need thousands of dollars to invest!

In this case, if you want to invest in Eco Smart (you will find more details in my previous articles ECO Smart Contracts - Invest in the future & Eco Smart - Investment Opportunity), it only costs you $76 (5050 TRX → 5000 TRX + 50 TRX fixed Oracle fee). And this investment brings you dividends every week! For how long? Unlimited time!

Do you know a lot of bank investments that pay you money every 7 days?

That's why this kind of investment is profitable!

Eco Smart

And moreover, in these times of international health crisis, we are obliged to comply with strict rules, we can no longer go where we want, when we wish:

  • The Airlines have drastically reduced their flights.
  • The Beaches are being watched, to avoid too many people on them.
  • Cruises are suspended.
  • Cinemas, Theaters, Festivals, Museums ... are closed.
  • Sporting events are postponed, or cancelled
  • Restaurants - it's complicated - we try to limit human contact as much as possible, so it's also a place we avoid, for our safety and that of our family.

All these situations are a blow to our morale, but look on the bright side, it's still Leisure expenses that we don't use, so that money is still in our possession. So what do you do with it? Leave it in your bank account? I've got some bad news for you! Money sleeping in a current account doesn't bring you any money! Make it work, let it be used for something.

There's a saying that says, "To make money, you need money!" So in concrete terms, to make money you have to invest money.

There is also another point that makes people reluctant to invest, apart from the fact that they always want to put everything off until tomorrow, and that is the problem with Referral.

Many investment opportunities boast the fact that the more you refer, the more money you make, but in this case, people who don't have a large network of potential investors, what do they do? They turn away from the opportunity, simply because they are discouraged before they even want to know more.

While Eco Smart sees things differently, although the Referral generates commission, this is not the main motivation for this project. (I will come back to this later in the article).

A third point that is lacking from many investment opportunities is the social aspect.

How many times have you invested (or even heard this story from other people) in a project, under a referral link, and then you find yourself all alone? So inevitably your enthusiasm is melting like snow under the sun, you have to do your own research, you don't know who to contact for answers (even your referer is not there), and often what we find on the internet is incomplete or even wrong information!

To fill this gap, a self-help and support group has been created among Eco Smart investors. It is so much more pleasant to be able to really follow the progress of a project, to know what our investment allows to do, to have important and relevant information, and above all real information, coming directly from Eco Smart, all this while also having time to have a little fun.

Moreover, it's also interesting to know a little bit more about other investors of the same project, don't you think? To be able to talk about anything and everything (within the limits of the community rules)? Being part of a community of investors, allows you to get advices, tips, support, to help you build your own network of referrals, but also to grow as a new investor.

A community is a group of people who are all moving in the same direction, so it is also possible that occasionally one of its members (no matter if he has 0 and 10 referrals) is offered a referral, because it serves the common interest, the interest of the community, and not an individual interest.

The strength of a group lies in its ability to move forward all together, towards a common goal, everyone is important, and no one is abandoned, think of a chain, if one chain link is weakened, the chain will break, if the chain is maintained, it will be strong, as long as the collective effort is present.

This point is also essential, with Eco Smart it's not the Referral who are important! Of course it is always interesting to have them, but the point is: You will earn ONE commission on ONE referral, it's a one-off gain, whereas investing it's dividends WITHOUT time limits, it's a regular gain. You make the difference?

Let's focus a little more on Eco Smart and this investment opportunity.

This Saturday May 23rd saw the new reduce of ECS Tokens (Because when you invest in a Pack A (5050 TRX) or B or C, your investment in TRX is converted into ECS Tokens).

Your weekly dividends are calculated on the number of ECS Tokens you hold, and the Eco Smart Business Model is well thought out. It's "First Come, First Served", here are a few graphs to illustrate all this

Eco Smart

Eco MSart

Eco Smart

From Sunday May 24th, we will start the 7th week of the Project, but also a new stage in the development of Eco Smart, we have just reached the 100 000 000 TRX invested!

So think about it today, don't wait until tomorrow to make a decision, and remember that our community is at your disposal if you have any questions, before you embark on this adventure with us, so that together we can all enjoy the best that Eco Smart has to offer.

Good Sunday to all, and enjoy the beautiful days (in terms of investment but also sunny seasons) that are ahead of you.

Eco Smart

It's up to you to know when you too want to join this adventure. Please note that registration is only done through a Parent link (and no one can start without this link).

Feel free to join us on Telegram (French Telegram Channel). Greet me if you see me there :) (Chriss)


Christophe WILHELM



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