Crypto and Positive Thinking

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

We need to stay positive and come back to the root why crypto is a revolution. Then the outcome will be an amazing event that history will remember.

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We need to be positive and also be wary of its drawbacks too, government intervention and over media hype, and issues of whether this is a dot com bubble. But regardless its an amazing time to live in and its a powerful technology. Thank you for a lovely video mate!

300 billion of dollars is not a bubble and is nothing compared to other markets. The real bubble is the fear of people who do not want to see the change happens.

Should we care about a bubble on the market?

I think — we should not. Yes, a cryptocurrency likely will follow the dotcom bubble, but who cares. I do believe major ICOs and technologies will grow like Google, Amazon, and others.

We just need to wait and grow our projects.

You said absolutely right and we have to keep faith and have to hold because these centralized policies are not in the interest of common people and in turn they divide the human beings but the truth is we belongs to one tribe and that is "Humanity". Banks just give pain to common people and they gift us the Debt Trap in which common people in turn stuck for many years and the burden always suppress their life, but in case of elite people and their associates, they can take the money from bank anytime and they can ignore to return the money and no one will take action against them, now it's our time and Cryptocurrency is our freedom and it will bring revolution soon. Thanks for sharing this positive video with us and keep doing great work. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

The debt trap is the cancer of the capitalism and we need to change this parameter.

Absolutely true.

Very stong words, we have to support the crypto, enough pay taxes for rich people, enough to make rich people more rich, we have to stay positive, we have to support crypto world and be positive, there are a lot of negative people that are ruining it. Cryptocurrencies will change the world and they are already changing it now, we need more people like you who teach others and show them the truth, thanks a lot for this video.

My pleasure @Clixmoney. It is like the YING and YANG forces, we need to direct in the right direction with a strong belief.

Cryptocurrency and blockchain are not going to be stopped. Each day, on the technology sites that I visit, there is at least one (usually many) stories on blockchain. These are not cryptocurrency sites but mainstream tech sites....the next step will be a regular visitor on the business/investing pages.

You are right, the FUD is ridiculous. Take a look at what is going on and one quickly sees development all over the place.

We need more uses cases like Steemit that people use the technology without thinking about the complexity behind the hood.

Very true. The complexity of crypto is a hindrance on top of everything else.

It is like the internet in the early days...people were scared of the technology because it was confusing...they heard of this thing called the Internet but werent sure how it worked or how to learn about it. It seemed overwhelming.

We need to simplify it.

The fundamentals of crypto are stronger than they ever have been before - we have a working lightning network, strong SegWit adoption, and increasing merchant adoption. Decentralized exchanges are beginning to come into play, and I believe these will decrease the efficacy of government bans/regulation. The next major piece is a crypto ETF, and with CBOE's recent comments, this may not be far away.

Quite an inspiring video. We need more of such at this difficult times and best option now is HODL.
We need to keep being positive and be United and strong as a community.

Thank you so much @Kenhudoy, every day I continue to motivate myself to build my crypto blog even with all the FUD around.

Sure. We should all keeping it up as soon steem will rebound again and we all smile. Let's keep in touch 😎

Thanks for the post.

I am generally positive but also helps to have my beliefs reinforced!

The underlying technology is sound, just a matter of time.

In life, we face many issues that help us to become more resilient and see things from another angle.

as long as we keep our mindset that cryptocurrency is a currency but not any other kind of asset or investment. The main purpose is to replace our real world currency and decentralise currency financial institution authority and give autonomy to us. Have faith.

The real objective is to have control over our money and no one to decide what you have to do with it.

Would you think that current crash is related in any way to Mt Gox and Bitcoin futures?

It seem that those 2 are main reasons why entire market is dropping.

Maybe one of the causes, but is related from many events that happened in the last 3 months. It is normal, the cartel tries to shake this space because central authority does not like to lose control.

I wonder if thanks to blockchain and crypto they will lose or actually gain more control over regular people (I bet that this will happend)

The actual system is not good, and only benefits the TOP.

dont you have sometimes impression that goverment will use crypto and blockchain to get more control over population (they have resources to do that) and TOP will benefit more than anyone else?

At the end of the day ... by the time regular population will be more familiar with crypto, all TOP will be already deeply in this market and they will benefit even more.

We can profit as well, but we should not have hopes that blockchain will change much. Rich will become richer. And very poor will become even poorer because they will not even understand what bitcoin is about. So it will be even harder for poor people to find a way to exist in current world.

Using a crypto-state currency will be the same problem as using fiat. The government will track everything you do with a crypto-state currency more easily.

I prefer a decentralized one like Bitcoin or Litecoin!

It's hard to be positive when your portfolio is down over 60% AFTER trying to average down.

We all in the same boat and I have empathy toward your feeling.

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