Fake Coinbase Email - ERC-20 Tokens Phishing AlertsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago


SENDER: Coinbase. - [email protected]
SUBJECT: Import your ERC-20 tokens to Coinbase and GDAX

I would highly advise everyone to stay away from clicking on anything inside this new "Coinbase" email about importing ERC-20 Tokens for trade in GDAX. This carefully thought out email is an amazing fake!

You may have heard about the recent Coinbase Blogpost about adding ERC-20 Tokens to the Coinbase Platform and thought, BIGGEST NEWS THIS YEAR!

All that excitement and a dash of FOMO will make anyone want to get their coins on the exchange before any network slowdowns or halts in operation from the new influx of crypto capital to the Coinbase market... It did for me!

Wait what's this in your inbox? A perfectly formatted email from "Coinbase" giving you the opportunity to get your coins into the system! Before you start clicking and "importing" coins or downloading the NEW app, take a quick look at the sender again.

If you look closely, you'll see that the sender is:
Coinbase.<-- Note the period at the end of the name
<[email protected]> <-- Notice the lower case L at the end of .com

Everyone Please be careful and do your due diligence when you receive any crypto email that asks for your coins to be transferred away from your current wallet. More often than not it's a scam.

ERC-20 Tokens ARE Coming to Coinbase

ERC-20 Tokens are in-fact coming to Coinbase/GDAX this year (this specific email is just a scam). Now, before you go crazy buying ERC-20 Tokens that you think will make the cut, take a look at the Digital Asset Framework Guidelines to ensure that the token you're looking into meets the requirements. Happy Trading Everyone!

Coinbase Fake Email Image


Hi, I just followed you :-)
Follow back and we can help each other succeed! @hatu

followed =)

thanks for sharing! one of the way we should all support each other as community is doing what you have done with this post! Well done!

Thanks, yes I completely agree - We're all on this journey together.

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