The FOMO-Chronicles #1 - Hello Steemit

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Hey everybody, welcome to my first post on steemit!

My name is Moritz, I'm 26 years old and from Germany (#SorryForBadEnglish), and like a lot of people these days I suffer from massive crypto-induced FOMO ("Fear of missing out", for the few that've never heard of it).

I first heard of Bitcoin (BTC) a few years ago (prolly 2010ish) but wasn't really "hooked"; I didn't understand what made it so special and back then I wasn't motivated to find out. Add to that, that I only ever heard of it when people talked about Silkroad and the Darknet which didn't really help either - I just didn't get it or understand the implications.
Now I DO get it and I DO get the implications. I actually see BTC and crypto as a whole as a great way to participate in a technology that will help shape our future and at the same time make money while doing it.

"So why the FOMO?", you may ask "You see the potential so now do something w/ it and reap the rewards!". Well, dear reader, unfortunately it isn't as easy for me as it may seem.
I'm a trainee right now and won't earn any "real" money until late next year, so right now I'm in a situation of constant frustration b/c I see so many chances slipping through my fingers, simply b/c I don't have any money to invest/participate (or at least not much at all). So that's where my FOMO and my daily dose of anguish come from.
Now add to that, that I'm really hooked on the topic of BTC and crypto in general and that I'm kind of an impatient guy by nature and I think you'll understand my problem.


But maybe it's not only my but also your problem, and that's why I started this blog; it's a great way to vent a little, but to also talk about what I am doing to try to combat my FOMO and maybe that'll be of help to you. Maybe some of you have tips for me on what to do and how to do it, and I would love for you to participate. B/c I think this can be easier for all of us, if we just share our tips and tricks w/ each other and have a jolly old time!

So, if you are intrigued, interested, invested or just not bored yet do come back and read my posts! I'll try to post on a regular basis 1-2 times per week, depending on the reception and the quality of content I can deliver at any given time.

Thank you for your time and we'll see each other on the moon!


Greeting from Andrew (ccc). I'm now following you and look forward to reading your next post. Steem on!

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