Coin Review - Phore - PoS Digital Currency

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

A break from daily beer to do some coin research. Today PHORE (PHR). I liked their community outreach and I needed some detox time! I’m sure you understand.

What is it?

The vision of the Phore community is to provide a private, community‑based cryptocurrency and blockchain platform that forms the foundation of free and sustainable decentralized commerce.

So practical use in exchange for goods(?) seems to be the goal, which is positive. Always look for real application! Some other very catchy words used, hard to disagree here.

Whitepaper makes several calls for community engagement and cooperation. It promises democratic way of forming the ecosystem to best serve the user base. Is this too idealistic? Remains to be seen.

Why use Phore if I have STEEM?

I like their sentence:

If you are paid with a cryptocurrency, you may not want your paycheck recorded publicly forever.

The team

A wide variety of people which can’t be bad. I would suggest some photos since it tends to give more credibility and just looks more professional. I’d sure like to know why the founder only has a pseudonym listed. Brag a little, don’t be shy. Lots of members are listed as Anonymous.

Also, you have Pamela on the team. Capitalise on that! I couldn’t resist googling her name. What do you think? She has a twitter it seems! Check it out.

They add:

Phore is actively seeking to hire more staff and developers to strengthen the team on a regular basis as it continues to expand and evolve on a daily basis.

Maybe that’s your opportunity right there?

The supply

It is rather smallish (in comparison to other coins) since Phore was swapped from KryptKoin. More than half of the old coin wasn’t swapped and consequently burnt. That reduced the supply. That's why the coin is relatively small in marketcap but over 3$ each.

How to accumulate?

You can’t mine it but you can stake it. You pile a big heap of Phore and over time it produces more. No fancy computers needed (vs mining).

How do you like mining? Are you in favor of mineable coins?

Without going into details, if you really want to stake to your best advantage you’d need to have enough coins for a masternode - that is 10.000 coin. Right now Phore is priced at 3.17$ so you’d need at least 31.700$ for a masternode. Too much for you? Find a gang of friends and share the cost. Make it people you trust since someone needs to host a node.

If you are a masternode owner you also get a say in the governance of part of the blockchain rewards. Your vote counts and proposals for redistribution are discussed at

Whitepaper claims that about 40% of supply is locked in a masternode. Meaning less selling pressure on the market. The white paper gives a figure of 400 Phore per month, which equates to about a 48% annualized return, but the rewards do gradually decrease.

Evolving coin community

That is how I found them! They have a discord server and all of you are invited to ask anything.

They boast with an impressive 1,100 members on telegram, 3,200 members on Discord, and 8,000 followers on twitter.


Marketplace development is still in progress and next on the roster as well as Segregated Witness (SegWit) Activation which will simplify the transactions.

There are other developments planned later on, but maybe it’s best to discuss the matters at hand first.

How is phore compared to other privacy coins?


How to buy?

The largest volume seems to be on Cryptopia


Video basics

I like the tune and I have it on repeat sometimes when sipping beer.

Win some PHR right now! They have a competition on their Twitter!

I do not hold any Phore right now. I do hope I will get noticed with this post in the community. Cheers!


They also frequently have trivia games where they give 10 PHOR per question with 10 total questions. Honestly, one of the most interactive and fun usage of Discord I've seen. The community is fantastic and lively while the chat is incredibly fun.

Hi! Thanks for your support, @growingpower just upvoted your comment ;) Hope you have a great day

Looks good, what they need I guess is adoption, places to spend it?
Then again, you can always convert it into something else b4 shopping.
Spectre is an interesting project in this area
I do like the masternode idea
48% return on 30g is good, so long as it can hold value and exists in 2 years.
great review - deserve a beer now ha ha

Thanks for the awesome analysis and pictures - I've been hearing bits about Phore over the past couple months.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs

Hmm, interesting coin, although I do not like that the team members have no photos on there and the owner doesn't state his real name.
Also, it reminds me a bit of SmartCash since you get more coins once you have a certain amount.

nice..very sweet news.thanks for sharing

great coin review.......thanks for shareing.....

decentralized ecommerce is needed to boost adoption of cryptocurrencies. This project looks promising. thanks for the information.

good information thanks

faster is better do not wait

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